What a Week

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I woke up the next morning, fairly early, as the sun crept between the curtains. I rolled over to look at the clock. "6:18" I said out loud while rolling onto my back and letting out a sigh. I laid there for a few minutes, reminiscing about last night's events before making my way out of bed and getting ready.

Once I got out of the shower I walked over and stared into the double doors of my closet. I sorted through my clothes until I found something that caught my eye. Wanting to make the best impression on my first day, I went with a simple sheath dress and a pair of my famous, Louis vuitton, black pumps. I fixed my short, brown hair that hung directly above my shoulders into a couple of soft curls, and tucked one strand behind my ear. I finished getting ready by applying my infamous red lipstick. I checked in the mirror one last time, before grabbing my ID card off my night stand, and walking out the door to haul a cab.

The drive to JoCo office went rather quickly. Once I arrived, I got out, closed the cab door behind me, and smoothed down my sheath dress. I turned around, facing the tall building which stood directly in front of me. Looking up, I gazed at the beautiful site with a giant smile on my face.

"This is it. Here it goes, all or nothing. The moment I have been waiting for. I hope I get to meet , Mr. Jonas, and I hope this first day is a piece of cake!" I quietly said under my breath before making my way to the revolving doors that lead directly to the lobby.

Once inside I quickly flashed my ID card to the group of security guards, and sporadically made my way to the elevator, while dodging all the hundreds and thousands of people that overtook the lobby. I saw the elevator doors open and hurried over to enter. I hit the button for the 45th floor and suddenly began to grow nervous as the elevator made its way up. Eventually the elevator dinged, and the doors flew open. I stepped off and made my way down the long hallway until I reached a wall of bulletproof glass that framed the double doors, leading up to the receptionist area.

I held up my ID card to the receptionist, and waited for her to unlock the doors. Once I heard the doors click open, I put away my ID card, walked in, and confidently introduced myself. I told her today was my first day with Mr. Jonas. Although, When I said his name, I noticed she gave me a weird, horrified look.

"Whats wrong? What is that look for?" I quietly asked with raised eyesbrows.

She shook her head and said, "Nothing, you just seem to sweet to be working for a man like Mr. Jonas." I wasn't sure what that meant, but I didn't ask questions. She got up, "Here, come with me. Let me show you where you will be working," she said while waving her hand. I followed her across the strip of hallway. Once again, I began to wonder why everyone was so weird or freaked out about this Jonas dude. I erased my thoughts as we finally approached a glass, chrome desk that had an incredible view. I could see the blue skies, and the magnificent skyscrapers that overtook New York City.

"Wow, this is breathtaking," I said in amazement, while looking out the window.

"Isn't it? She said. "Okay, so, Mr. Jonas has requested that you finish the list of items on the computer by the end of the week, or he will be forced to find someone else." She said matter of factly, while pulling up the list on my computer for me to see.

"What? All of this by the end of the week?" I said with a stressed look on my face.

"I know, its ridiculous, but that's how Mr. Jonas works. He feels that if you can't do it, he can find someone who will." She said over her shoulder while leaving the room.

"Well.... I guess I better get started." I said under my breath, while setting my purse down in the bottom drawer of my desk. I quickly got to work and tried to knock off all that I could by the end of the day.

After quite some time, I looked at the clock and noticed that it was ten past seven, and starting to get dark out. I let out a sigh, turned off the computer, filed my papers that were sprawled out across my desk, and got ready to leave the office. While stopping to turn off the lights, I looked back and thought to myself, "Tomorrow is a new day, I got this." I smiled, shut my door, and headed home.

On my way home I decided to call Wilmer. The phone rang and rang, until finally I heard him on the other end, and I could feel my lips turning into a smile.

"Hola, Hermosa. How was work today?" He asked me.

I told him all about my day and told him about Mr. Jonas' expectations. He gave me some words of encouragement and put my heart at ease. We talked about our upcoming weekend getaway and how excited we both were to have some alone time. We have both been very busy, so we havent had much time to ourselves. This weekend will be much needed. We talked on the phone until I made me way up to my apartment, then we said our I Love You's and hung up the phone. After hanging up, I made my way inside and went straight to bed. I was so exhausted.

The next couple days seemed like a blur. I was really busy making phone calls, booking Mr. Jonas' trips, filing paper work, transfering money to a series of bank acocunts, and trying to cross off more shit from this list. It was now Friday, and I had about 25 more minutes to complete everything before my deadline. I was doing all that I could to get all of Mr. Jonas' requests done. I was starting to get really stressed. My phone was ringing non-stop, all day, but I was too focused on my work to even check to see who it was.

I was now down to one more project and I was seconds away from being done. I finished filling in the last few lines of the document and clicked saved. I quickly hit the submit button.

"Done! With two minutes to spare! FUCK YEAH!" I jumped out of my seat, throwing my fists up, above my head. Those who were walking by quickly looked in my direction with a concerned look. I felt a flush of red come over my face, as I became really embarrassed. I sat back down in my chair and taking a deep breath. "Suck that, Mr. Jonas!" I said with a smirk on my face. Just then Kiara, the receptionist, came in on my intercome.

"Uh, Ms. Lovato, you're being requested on the 50th floor."

"Do you know what for?" I asked confused.

"No, im sorry. I have no idea what is even on the 50th floor. All I know is that they are requesting you. I got a piece of paper with a PIN number on it, but it is not signed by anyone."

"Okay, thank you. I will be out in a minute." I quickly said. As I was gathering my belongings, my anxiety grew rapidly. What is on the 50th floor. Am I in trouble? Did I not finish everything? Is this another assignment from Mr. Jonas? My mind was running a mile a minute. I quickly made my way out to the receptionist where she handed me the piece of paper and wished me luck. I smiled, made my way on the elevator, and patiently waited while it arrived to the 50th floor. Once the doors opened, I stepped off and did not see anyone. This was weird. What am I even doing here?

I noticed a scanner by the double glass doors. I swiped my ID card, but the screen popped up as invalid. I then tried to enter the PIN number that was on the note. This caused the double doors to quickly open. I walked in a little bit further and noticed a light coming from down the hall. I continued to walk down the path until I came to a huge, massive glass office building where there was a man, in semi-casual attire, staring out the window with his hands in his pockets. I knocked, and cleared my throat."

"Ahem, excuse me." I said in a quiet tone.

"Come in Ms. Lovato. Take a seat." The man said in a deep, soothing, sexy voice. My heart began to beat incredibly fast. I slowly walked in and went to take a seat. I waited patiently, but nothing happened. The man, just continued to stare out the window. After several minutes of silence, he took his hands out of his pocket. Slowly, he began to turn around, our eyes met at the same time, and then we both chorally spoke.


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