The Waiting Game

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Nick's POV

As soon as Demi promised that she would come back to me, I placed my lips on top of hers, and gave her a sweet kiss. When I pulled away, we both had a smile on our faces, and soon, they were wheeling her away from me. I stood there, as I watched the nurses push her gurney down the long hallway, just past the set of double doors. I saw Demi look back at me, one last time, before she was out of my sight, and I felt my heart starting to go haywire. I never thought I would ever feel this way about anyone, but now that I just got her back, I needed her to be okay. I needed her to come back to me. I took a deep breath, and walked over to the surgical waiting area, where the nurses told me to wait. I found a seat, away from others, and picked up a magazine next to me. For the next couple of minutes I sifted through the magazine, attempting to read the articles, but I couldn't think about anything other than Demi. I set the magazine down, and just leaned my head back, trying to relax a bit. After about five minutes, I felt my phone going off in my pocket. I reached down and grabbed it out, to see who was calling me. When I saw that it was Delta, I forwarded the phone call so I didn't have to deal with her. Not right now anyways. I went back to closing my eyes, trying to relax, when I heard a ding. I sat up, and looked down at my phone. "Voicemail," I said as I clicked to let it play. I brought it up to my ear, so I could listen.

Nick, it's Delta. We really need to talk. We can't just end things the way we did. You and I belong together. You and I have found our way back into each other's arms once before, so I know we can do it again. Nick, please don't give up on us. We are forever. Please call me back, so we can talk. I love you.

After listening to the voicemail, and hearing Delta say we are "forever," I was immediately taken back to mine and Delt's last conversation, before I walked out.


I woke up the next morning after just having hot, crazy sex with my girlfriend, and for some reason, I felt like something was still missing. The more I tried to ignore it, the more I found it becoming blatantly obvious. I hopped in the shower, and let the hot water hit my back. I stood there, trying to listen to Delta ramble on about what she had going on today, but there was only one thing that I could think of, and that was Demi. I started to think about the fun things we used to do, and how much I missed her. I missed her sleeping next to me, and being wrapped up in my arms. I missed going to work every morning and seeing her there, every second of every day. I missed everything about her, and the more the days dragged on, the more I felt an ache in my chest. I no longer was excited to come home and see Delta, instead, I was figuring out ways on how to leave my office and find Demi somewhere in the building. I was drawn to her, and I think it's because I have fallen completely in love with her.

"Nick? Are you listening to me?" Delta asked as she came up and opened the glass, shower door.

"Huh?" I said as I picked up my gaze, and looked at her.

"I was asking you if you are free to meet for lunch today? What's going on with you? You have been acting weird all morning," she said as she watched me shut off the shower, and grab my towel off the rack. I wrapped the towel around my waist, and stepped out of the shower, causing Delta to take a few steps back.

"Hello? Baby.." She said again, trying to figure out what was wrong.

I watched Delta, as I slid on my briefs, and then threw on a tshirt over my head, "I think.. I think I made a mistake," I said as I went and grabbed a pair of jeans to slip on, over my briefs.

"A mistake? With what? Work?" She asked a little confused as she came over and leaned her body against the door frame.

I let out a soft sigh and pulled up my pants. "With us," I said effortlessly. I watched as Delta stood up straight, and wrinkled her face, as if she couldn't fully comprehend what I was saying.

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