What Are We Waiting For

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Demi's POV

I watched, in total shock, as Nick stood in the middle of my living room, confessing his true feelings towards me. I hung on to every word that he spoke, as if I had never heard anything like this before. Never in a million years would I have thought that Nick, my insanely hot boss, would have felt the same as I do. I continued to stand there, listening to Nick, with a smile on my face, as he talked about what was next for us.

"I don't know. I think right now we need to take things slow and start off small. We clearly both are attracted to each other, so we need to see if there could be something more? I am willing to try, if you are. So, I was thinking, maybe we start off with Dinner on Friday night and go from there. How does that sound?" He asked me, leaving me speechless. As I thought about what to say, a huge smile spread across my face. I was filled with such happiness, I didn't know what to say or do.

"Its a date!" My brain quickly gathered together, and then blurted out, leaving Nick with a huge grin on his face. Nick leaned in, and wrapped me up in tight embrace, and then kissed the side of my cheek.

"I will see you tomorrow at work," he said as he then turned around, and headed out of my apartment. I watched as Nick glanced back, and smiled at me once more, before slowly closing the door behind him. As soon as the door shut, I immediately jumped up with excitement.

"eeeeeeek!" I squealed out. I ran over to my phone and quickly went to dial Marissa.

"Demi! Hi! What's up?" Marissa said into the phone. I hadn't seen much of Marissa lately. She has been mostly staying over at her boyfriend's house since its closer to work. I missed her, but we tried to see, and talk to each other as often as we could.

"Marissa! Guess what!" I shouted into the phone.

"What?" Marissa shouted back even more excited.

"Nick just asked me out on a date. It is official. Nick and I are going on a date on Friday night!" I said with a huge smile on my face. I heard Marissa squeal and I couldn't help but laugh.

"OH MY GOD!" Was all she could say.

"I know, right! Marissa, you have to help me with my make up, and find something sexy to wear!" I said.

"Duh! Of course, I will! I'll be home right after work on Friday! We will get you all sexified, Nick won't be able to resist you!" She said.

"Well... he already can't resist me, Ris! That's why we are going on a date, duh!" I said as I laughed into the phone.

"You know what I mean, Demi! He won't be able to resist you! She said again with an emphasis on resist. I knew what Marissa meant. She was referring to Nick wanting me sexually. Thinking about that only made me nervous. It made me scared to even go out on this date. I was scared mostly because I didn't want to disappoint him. "Demi you there?" Marissa said into the phone again, taking me away from my wishy washy thoughts.

"Yeah, I am here. I was just thinking." I said in a more monotone voice now.

"Demi, don't stress. I promise it will all be ok! You guys will have fun! Just go with the flow, and try not to think so much!" Marissa said with a laugh. I couldn't help but laugh, too. She knew me so well.

"Ok, I'll try not too. I am going to go jump in the shower and then head to bed. I'll see you, Friday!" I said.

"Ok! Love you" Marissa said back.

"Love you, too!" I said before clicking off the phone.

Once I got off the phone with Marissa, I went ahead and took a quick shower. When I was finished, I threw on a pair of pajamas, grabbed my phone, and then jumped into bed. As I laid there I began to think about Friday. I thought about what I should wear, how I should do my make up, and if I should wear my hair up or down. The more I thought about it, the more nervous I became. I imagined how our date might play out, and the possibility of us kissing. The thought of kissing Nick made me both nervous and excited! I couldn't wait to press my lips up against his. I began to close my eyes, as I envisioned Nick and I kissing each other. A smile grew on my face, and eventually I was at peace. I had fallen asleep, and was left to dream about the only thing that consumed my brain these days, Nick.

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