A Softer Side

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Demi POV

As soon as I looked inside the room, and let out a gasp, I quickly jumped back. I instantly clasped my hand over my mouth, so that Mr. Jonas wouldn't be able to hear me. I sat there for a minute before peeking back inside the room. As I looked inside, a giant smile grew across my face. There I saw, Mr. Jonas cuddled up on a bed with two little girls who appeared to have cancer. They were sitting there, watching him intensely, as he read a book. There were other kids, spread across the room, who were wrapped up in blankets, sitting in their wheelchairs, listening to Mr. Jonas read. At certain parts in the story, the kids would raise their hands, and ask him questions, or tell him little side stories that they related to. It melted my heart seeing this side of Mr. Jonas. I sat there watching him read, and laugh with the kids for a good fifteen minutes. Once he finished the book, he got up, and walked further into the room. I wanted a closer look, so I leaned in a little further on the cart that was stationed outside. Just as I leaned on it a little more, the cart started to slowly roll away, causing some of the supplies to fall off. "Shit!" I silently mouthed. I quickly leaned back, and tried to quietly pick up everything that had fallen. As I was picking up the supplies, I heard footsteps coming towards me, my heart began to pound inside my chest, and I knew, right then, that I was caught.

Nicks POV

I sat there with my normal group of kids, and read them a story. Every now and then the kids would raise their hands, and tell me how the story reminded them of something they once did. I loved hearing all of their stories. Their faces would light up whenever they got a chance to share. We had a lot of good laughs, and the kids always loved cuddling up next to me. After I finished reading, I set the book down, and made my way towards the back of the room to grab the guitar that leaned against the wall. Just as I was went to pick it up, I heard something by the door fall. I looked over, and saw the nurse's cart in the middle of the doorway, with trays and cups all over the ground. I set the guitar down, and started to make my way over to the door. While walking over, I saw an arm reaching over and picking up the objects that had fallen, but I couldn't see their face. I continued to walk over, and looked around the corner to see who it was. As soon as I saw her face, I immediately crossed my arms, and rolled my eyes. "Demi, what are you doing here? I thought I told you to take the Manila folder to 42nd street." I said through clenched teeth.

"I am so sorry Mr. Jonas, I, uh-"

"Mr. Jonas, is that your girlfriend?" I heard Aubrey yell out from behind me, while the rest of the kids made "Aww-ing" sounds. I glanced behind me, and shook my head at them, with a smile.

"Why isn't she your girlfriend, she's veryyy pretty," Alexis said while putting an emphasis on very.

"Mr. Jonas," I looked back at Demi, as she spoke. "I am so sorry, I just-"

"Can she please stay, Mr. Jonas? We don't get to see that many people around here," Robert shouted.

"Yah! Please, Mr. Jonas? Just for a little bit?" Bennett chimed in.

After listening to the kids shouting, I turned around to focus my attention on Demi. "Well, are you coming in or you going to sit out on the floor all day trying to hide from us," I asked as I reached out a hand to help her up. "I take it you never delivered the folder," I asked before we made it back inside the room.

"Not, yet. I can go do that right now."

"No, stay. The kids want you to stay. We can use some new company anyways. Right guys?" I asked while turning around with my arm extended out to ask the audience of kids that filled the room.

"Yeah!" They all loudly cheered. I just laughed, and watched as Demi made her way into the room. She took a seat next to the lovely, Alexis, over on the bed. Alexis was ecstatic. She loved being physically close to people. She was 8 years old and was battling Leukemia. Once Demi got settled over on the bed, I had the kids go around and introduce themselves to her. The kids were very talkative, telling Demi everything from their age, to their favorite thing to wear. We definitely got a good laugh out of it.

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