Pitch Black

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Officer Darren's POV

I received a call a few minutes ago from the JOCO security guards concerning one of their vehicles leaving the premise after hours. The security guard informed me that Mr. Jonas was not aware of the company van leaving at this time, so I am on my way over there right now to do a follow up with Mr. Jonas.

I parked my car outside of the mansion, and slowly got out of the car. As I walked up the steps to the front doors, I turned down my radio, so that I would not have any interruptions. Once I got up to the door, I noticed that the door sat ajar. This looked extremely suspicious. I reached for my gun, and knocked on the door, before entering inside.

"Hello, Mr. Jonas?" I yelled out as I stepped into the house. I walked in cautiously, not wanting to move anything. I looked around and saw that the place was chaotic. Inside, there were pillows thrown all over the place, and there were pieces of glass along the hallway. I walked further into the house, so I could have a look around. "Mr. Jonas? This is the police. Is anybody home?" I continued to yell out as I watched my surroundings. I did not hear anything.

I made my way in and out of the rooms, and quickly completed a floor sweep. Once I realized that nobody was home, I took out my notepad. I started to write down the little things I noticed.

Door was slightly open when first arrived

Pillows thrown all over the floor.

Vase shattered on the ground.

Syringe found under a table.

Trail of blood found near the hallway

After I wrote down a few notes in my notebook, I looked around at a few more things. I found a laptop that was tossed half way under a couch. I walked over and picked it up. There was a flash drive plugged into it. I opened the folder on the computer, and saw a series of pictures that popped up. There were pictures of, who I assumed, Mr. Jonas, and some woman. I continued to scroll through the pictures. I stopped when I came to a letter. I noticed the name "Demi Lovato" written down. I went ahead and jotted that down in my notes. Guess I will start with that, I thought to myself. I set the computer down, and then walked out of the house.

When I stepped outside, I made my way over to my car. I went ahead and got in, and then used my computer. I went to my directory and did a people search for Demi Lovato. There was not much that popped up, just her address. I plugged in the coordinates to the GPS system, and decided to go pay Ms. Lovato a visit to see what she knows.

I followed the coordinates and drove over to the apartment complex of where Ms. Lovato lived. I parked the car out front of the complex, and made my way upstairs. Just as I was approaching the door, I realized I wasn't the only one trying to see Ms. Lovato.

"Excuse me, sir, do you live here?" I asked the man who was standing outside of the door. He just looked over at me with furrowed eyebrows, and a confused expression on his face.

"No, my girlfriend does. Is everything okay?" He looked over and asked me with concern.

"I am not sure. I need to speak with Demi," I said as I moved closer to the door. I knocked a few times and waited for the door to open, but there was no answer. I turned back around, towards the man, "Do you think you can give her a call and see if she picks up?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sure, one minute," he said as he took out his phone and punched in the number. I watched as he put the phone to his ear and then quickly pulled it away. "Her phone is turned off. Look, what is this about? Is Demi in some kind of trouble?" He asked me.

"I need to speak to her regarding a situation with a Mr. Jonas. I believe Mr. Jonas is in some kind of trouble. I showed up at his house to discuss a missing van from his company, but when I arrived, his place was trashed. It looked as if someone came in and caused some ruckus. I found a syringe on the ground, glass, and drops of blood," I said as I looked over at him. His face looked worried.

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