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Everyone always has a plan. "After college I'm going to go into law school", or "I'll get my dream job", even "I'll star in a movie." I never really had big plans for my life after university, but I still had a plan. I was going to teach kindergarteners, give little ones a good education.

I was supposed to have my first interview today at a small private elementary school in a small town in Colorado.

I guess you can never really prepare for what life will throw at you because I didn't spend my day at the school. Two cars behind a head on collision, that's where I was.

I immediately pulled to the side of the road, rushing to both of the vehicles. I called an ambulance and checked to see if both drivers were awake and alright.

The driver who was hit was unconscious, but I could see him breathing. His face seemed familiar, but I didn't stay to look as I was in my haste. The other driver was fine, said he was a bit sore but that he would be fine and how he was on his phone, not seeing that the light was red.

The ambulance came quickly, taking the man out of the car carefully.

"Do you know this man?" The police officer asked as I was the only witness who stayed.

"No." I replied simply as I was being interrogated.

"This man isn't a citizen of America, he was visiting. We won't be able to contact his family." I felt an urge to be the one to go to the hospital with him.

I had no idea who this man was, but in that moment I was all he had. "I'll go in the ambulance, sir." I said as I rubbed my hands on my arms to keep warm against the already slightly cold weather, though it was early August.

I was lead into the ambulance and I looked down at the man with a sense of pity. He was in a place he barely knew and now he was fighting to survive. His eyes tightened, staying closed but showing he was going to wake up.

In his sleepy state, he grabbed my hand not even knowing who was next to him or even knowing if I was another nurse. "Thomas Stanley Holland." I heard one of the nurses repeat his identification as they check his vitals once more. My heart began to beat faster as I looked down at the hand gripping onto mine.

The man that I helped save was one of the most famous actors in the world and there I was, just a simple school teacher that happened to be in the right place at the right time.
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Welcome to my new fan fiction, Almost Broken!

For all Tom Holland lovers out there, I hope you enjoy!

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