Part 26

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"You ready for your interview tomorrow?" Tom asks with widened, passionate eyes.

"I'm definitely nervous." I reply as I give him a scoop of ice cream as we walk along the sidewalk, taking in the sights of the lighted town.

Night has taken its toll over the Colorado mountains, the tips glistening with snow even in August.

"You have nothing to be nervous about, y/n. Those kids need you and the headmistress knows that." He says after he finishes his bite of our chocolate chip ice cream and I chuckle softly at his English term for a principal.

I let out a small sigh before glancing up towards the twinkling stars in the blackened sky.

"I think I need the kids more than they need me." I say as I bring my eyes back towards the solid ground instead of floating aimlessly in the abyss of space.

"My parents are wondering when to come visit." He says after a moment's silence. My heart stings at his words, knowing that when they visit they would whisk him off to Kingston.

He said he would visit and call everyday, but we all know that it isn't ever the same as having him physically here.

I will no longer get a kiss good morning and good night or random showers of kisses as he whispers his compliments, calling me beautiful.

"That depends on when the hospital says you can get into a boot instead of a cast. Your next appointment isn't for another two weeks." I explain as I hope he is just as pained to leave as I was to watch him fly away.

"I'm going to use these next few weeks to spoil you everyday. I'm not going to waste around, but I need you to promise me something." He says as we stop at a little bench looking off towards the other side of the street with shops visible by the fairy lights lining the doors and windows.

"And what's that?" I ask as I lean my head on his chest, curling my legs up underneath me while being careful about my dress.

He takes a hold of the ice cream cup before placing his other arm around my shoulders, playing with a loose strand of my curled hair.

"Promise me that you won't lose faith in me. I'm going to visit you as much as I'm able and if things continue like this I'm going to find a way to move here. I promise that to you. Can you promise to me that you believe me when I say that?" I don't look up into Tom's eyes, but simply feel the soft buzzing in his chest as he pleads for my faith in him.

"I promise, Thomas." I say after I tilt my head slightly to be able to look into his eyes.

"I love you too much to not promise to you my faith and my loyalty. I've never felt so secure as when I'm with you. After everything that happened with James, I thought I didn't deserve a love like yours but now that I have it, I don't want to ever let it go." In those deep brown eyes, I see a sparkle in them. Wether it was caused by the stars or by the passion and love overflowing from me to him, I can't tell.

He says nothing, but he leans further down until his lips attach to mine with a burning fire. Tingles shoot throughout my body every time he pulls away and comes back with even more force.

I sit further up on the bench as his fingers run through my hair before his hand cups my flushed cheek.

His other arm wraps around my waist as he pulls me even closer to him, his breath soft against my skin.

I don't know what to do with myself as I allow him to hold all of my weight in his arms, enjoying every moment and not caring one bit if anyone walked passed us.

The world of lights, soft colored shops, and the cold mountains in the distance all fade into a blur as he is my focus and I am his.

The feeling of his soft lips gliding into place against mine seems to last an eternity that passes in a split second.

We reluctantly pull away from each other as I am still limp in his arms, my skin burning wherever he touched.

"Gosh I love you." He whispers as he stares into my eyes, his accent and words still causing my face to become red with longing.

I giggle softly under my breath as I bury myself under his arm, curling myself into him, finally able to move again.

"I love you more."
~ ~ ~
Tom and y/n's relationship is so adorable that I just want to cry.

I can't believe this story is already starting to reach the end!

Please vote to show me if you like the story and comment if you like how the story is going so far!

Thank you all so much for 400 reads! It means so much more than you know <3


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