Part 17

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I adjust my hoodie as I look back at Tom who is sitting at a small round table trying to hide in case anyone recognized him.

"Whose the hot cripple?" Anastasia asks with a small smirk as she nods toward him.

"Hey, don't call him that when you come to bring us our drinks okay? And he's one of my best friends, I helped him through an...accident." I try and explain as vaguely as I can the situation without her asking any more questions. She rolls her eyes playfully as she hands me my receipt.

"Whatever, either way he's hot and you should really make a move before someone else does." This was the usual for Anastasia, always thinking about how to get a boyfriend to heal her loneliness.

"I know you haven't dated since James and he looks nice and like he would treat you right." She points out with a sympathetic smile, the thing was she didn't know about Philip.

Now, we never really started dating but we almost kissed and we were going to go on a date before...everything else.

"Yeah." I say simply as I'm lost in thought and I head over to the table.

"Is it hard to live like this? Constantly trying to not be found by paparazzi?" I inquire as he reaches his hand across the table like he used to reach across the hospital bed. His fingers lace with mine as his thumb gently rubs the back of my hand.

"I don't usually hide when I'm out with family or friends, but with you, I don't want to give you unnecessary publicity. My fans can get ahead of themselves sometimes." As he speaks, she begins to play with my fingers, tracing the little indents of my skin with his fingers sending a tickle down my spine.

"You don't have to go out of your way to protect me." I let out a small sigh as a smile forms on his lips.

"I don't have to, but I want to." When his chocolate brown eyes meet mine, it feels as if we are the only two people in this world. Even though he is just being a good friend, my cheeks grow pink with eagerness for more.

"Here you go." Anastasia says as she walks up, causing Tom and I to move our hands away quickly and his own cheeks turn red with embarrassment.

As she sets down Tom's coffee, her eyes widen as she recognizes his face. I quickly grab her wrist and shake my head.

"Please don't make a scene, Anna." I plead as Tom just smiles.

"It's lovely to meet you." He says, his accent causing Anastasia's hands to shake.

"N-nice to meet you too." This was the first time I have really heard or seen Anna so flustered.

"If you could keep this little meeting between us for your friend's sake?" He asks as he nods towards me and I let out a small laugh.

"I told you that you didn't have to do that, Tom. If she's excited please take a photo with her." I can see the fire behind Tom's eyes and the pride he has for his fans.

"No, I understand. Since you're friends with y/n, I might see you around some other time." There's the Anna I know, always being reasonable.

Tom looks at her and gives her a flash of a smile behind the hood of his sweatshirt.

"I'm sure we will." With that, Anna looked at me and mouthed without Tom noticing, "I saw you two holding hands. Lucky!" I hold in my laughter as she leaves, Tom looking at me with confusion.

"It's nothing." I say through a smile as I take a sip of coffee.

My eye catches someone through the window holding a professional camera, one that people in this small town usually wouldn't be walking around with.

I shake it off, not wanting Tom to get stressed out while he's trying to recover. There would be no reason for press to even know Tom is in this town anyway.

They knew he was in the accident but they didn't know when and where he would be discharged, did they?
~ ~ ~
Anastasia is literally me, haha! Comment which character you relate to the most!

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