Part 12

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                                   *Tom's POV*

As I look at y/n's resting, swollen eyes, I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. I remember that day when the nurses were talking, thinking I was asleep.

I can still hear their voices as they speak of y/n's continued visits. They seemed to have noticed her interest in Philip and their voices were filled with pity for the "poor girl." I had kept my eyes closed, but listened very carefully to what they were saying.

"He's played so many girls in the short year that he's been here. I'm afraid she'll be next." One of them had said with a sorrowful tone.

"She's so sweet too. Very caring and nurturing. I hope he doesn't hurt her." She continued before the other one joined in with a hopeful voice.

"Maybe she'll change him and he'll see how amazing she is." With that, they had left and I had quickly opened my eyes.

I didn't want to believe what I had heard, or get involved in hospital gossip. A few minutes later, y/n had come in, Philip shortly behind her.

As I look at her now I just wish I could have protected her. She may have not believed me at the time, but maybe the blow would have been a bit softer since it would have been in the back of her mind.

Sadly, I can't change the past and simply having her in my arms makes everything else seem like a blur.

                                      *y/n's POV*

There he is, kissing that girl. Her fingers running through his hair and his hands on her waist. I can feel my heart tighten just at the thought.

My eyes shoot open and I cling onto Tom's hospital gown sleeve. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks, his voice filled with worry.

I hold in my tears as I simply shake my head, "just a bad dream." His head tilts as he doesn't quite believe me, but as he sees that I'd rather not talk about it, he lets it go.

"Are you excited for your interview on Saturday?" He asks with his own excitement. I just now remember that it was even happening and I actually smile.

"I really hope I get the job, Tom. There's something about children, their innocent smiles, their ability to make others feel included, it's just so beautiful. They are what humans were intended to be." I stare off towards the ceiling as I speak, clinging onto the hope of teaching little angels every day.

I can feel his eyes on me, a gentle smile on his lips. I look over at him with a small chuckle, forgetting everything for a little while.

"What?" I ask with a smirk. "It's just beautiful to see you so hopeful." He says simply and I can feel my cheeks grow pink. I feel the familiar sting in my chest as I curl back into his arms.

After a few moments of us just staying quiet, my tears begin to paint his gown in splatters. "Why does it hurt so much? I barely knew him, but I had already given him my heart. It's all my fault." I say as I keep my face buried into his shoulder.

"This is not your fault, y/n, don't even think that! Giving your heart away quickly is something a lot of people do, especially when you think they care just as deeply as you. Just protect that beautiful heart of yours, okay? I hate seeing it broken." He tucks a piece of hair away from my eyes as I look up at him.

"Let me know if there's anything I can do to help glue it back together." And with that, my tears flow down like a river as I have been so caught up in myself that I haven't been able to really be grateful for all Tom has done for me already.

"Thank you." I say simply and he gives a small smile.

"What for?" His accent is barely heard through his soft words.

~ ~ ~
I want a friendship like Tom and y/n so bad. Just sayin!

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