Part 25

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I walk out of my room after getting changed for Tom and I's first real date, pushing a loose curl behind my ear.

The cream colored laced dress flows right above my knees and my long cardigan hits the bottom of my knees gently. My dark brown boots rest right at my ankles in a comfortable way.

Sitting in the living room with his crutches resting against the couch is the man that has showed me what it means to truly care about someone.

As his eyes land on me, his smile widens to the point where it might get stuck. He stumbles to his feet as his cheeks grow a light pink and I can't help but become speechless at the sight of him.

His curly hair is loose but put together as he's in a casual suit that would be perfect for the little restaurant in town which is the fanciest thing here.

"You look...beautiful." He manages to let out and I look down at my hands not knowing what else to do.

"You look very handsome." I let out as I look back into his gaze. Tom simply gives a small chuckle as he grips onto his crutches before he places a soft kiss on my cheek.

"You ready to go?" He asks, his accent still sending butterflies swimming in my stomach.

"Of course." I reply as I open the door for us both. It isn't long before we make it to the little restaurant down the block, me seeming to be more tired from the walk than Tom.

He still manages to open the door without his crutches falling to the ground and I smile with pride at how well he is dealing with this situation.

"How many?" The host asks as he looks up from his wooden block, prepared to grab as many menus as needed.

"Two, please." Tom says as he sends a small smile my way.

"Right this way." The host says as he leads us to a two person booth that would be easy for Tom to get in and out of.

There is no trace of recognition in the young man's face as he simply states that our server would be with us shortly.

"I've never been here before. It's really nice!" I say as I take a quick glance around.

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" He asks and when my gaze meets his, those chocolate brown eyes are only looking at me. I blush fiercely as I pick up my menu and hand him his own.

"You're going to give me a heart attack, Mr. Holland." I say as I peek over the menu.

He chuckles to himself as he picks up his menu with one hand as the other reaches across the table for my own. I grasp his hand in mine, rubbing the back of it gently with my thumb.

"Hello, my name is Mackenzie and I'll be your server for tonight. May I start you off with some drinks?" We look up to see a young girl around eighteen years old. Her eyes slightly widen as she sees Tom, but she goes along like he's just another customer.

"I'll take a Goose IPA." He says as he glances over to the beer menu.

"I'll do the same, thank you." I say before handing her our ID's.

"I'll have to get another server to give you those since I'm not twenty-one, but they'll be right out." She says before she heads back towards the kitchen.

My phone begins to blow up and by the looks of it, so did Tom's. I look down to see that I've been tagged in multiple posts that lead to two original ones posted by the two girls from the shop earlier.

The captions were: "met Tom Holland and his girlfriend, @y/n.roses today! They're both so sweet and Tom seems to be doing better since the accident! So happy I could meet them♥️" So they didn't crop me out of the picture, and also our relationship was official.

As I look up at Tom, he's glancing at his messages. His family had messaged him asking why he hadn't told them about me earlier other than the fact of me hosting him.

He simply turns his phone off as he looks back up at me with the widest smile. "You're so gorgeous." He says and again my cheeks turn a light pink.

"Thank you." I manage to say as a smile spreads across my face. "So we're official to the public now. Are you okay with that?" I ask as I know that he knows.

"Of course I'm okay with that. I just wish I could've been the one to show you off first." With that he grabs my hands in his, intertwining his fingers with mine before bringing kissing the back of my right hand.

"I love you and I want everyone to know that." He adds with a small smirk.

"I love you, too." I let out with a soft giggle. This is like a dream. After James I never thought I'd find someone who really love me and then Philip happened.

Now as I'm holding hands with Tom Holland, my heart tingles at the fact that he does really love me even though I'm a simple kindergarten teacher from Colorado.

For that and many other things, I love him.
~ ~ ~
This was one of my favorite chapters to write where basically everything is just going right for y/n and Tom.

I really do hope you all are enjoying my story so far!

To get ahead you can check out my fan account on Instagram where I have a few more parts posted on there- mxltii._.edit

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