Part 35

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I lay in my bed, staring up at my ceiling after getting ready to sleep, but not being able to.

I wanted to talk to Tom after his parents went to sleep, but he was so exhausted after the hike that he went to turn in before they did. I wish my tiredness had that power, but my mind takes control.

My eyes feel heavy with the desire to gain rest though my mind is racing with different memories and thoughts.

The apartment is silent and has been for at least thirty minutes. I look over at my alarm clock which tells me it's almost one in the morning.

I let out a long sigh before sitting up, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands. I silently start to walk across my wooden floor, opening my door as quietly as I can but not being able to stop the slight creak of the hinges.

The stepping of my feet make no noise as I tiptoe my way towards the living room couch. I see Tom, his eyes closed but they seem to flutter as they usually do when he's in between sleep and wakefulness.

I see the perfect little space next to him that would give enough room for me to fit, hoping that the usual peace his warmth and comfort gave me would help me to sleep.

As I'm about to carefully fill that tiny space, Tom's chocolate eyes slowly open as he adjusts his sleeping position.

His eyes catch mine, a small and sleepy smirk plays on his lips before he scoots over further and making more room before he taps the couch quietly.

I hop on the cushions, cuddling myself into Tom's open arms. He places a gentle kiss on my forehead before giving me more of the blanket he was using.

"Trouble sleeping?" He whispers, his accent barely audible from his sleepiness.

"You could say that." I whisper back, letting out a soft sigh while I rest my head on his chest. His fingers begin to twirl and play with my hair as we lay there in silence for a few minutes.

His other arm is still wrapped tightly around me and I take his hand, lightly tickling each finger before enlacing them with mine and kissing the back of his hand like he's done so many times before.

I remember our times in the hospital where every time I would leave the room Tom would kiss my hand or for the little time while he couldn't move or speak he would press two fingers against his lips before pressing them on my hand instead.

Even though those events only took place about a month ago, they seem to be years in the past.

"I'm going to miss you." I finally say while silent tears that I wouldn't allow to be shed for so long now flow down my cheeks.

Tom adjusts my position again so that I'm facing him, his eyes watching me closely as he brings up his thumb to wipe my tears away.

"I'm going to miss you, too, darling. But we can get through this." He whispers into my ear causing a gentle chill to run down my spine.

His lips kiss my forehead and my nose before he places a light kiss against my lips. I bring my hand up and begin to slowly rub it through his dark curls as we hold onto each other.

"It's not going to be as hard as we're going to make it, is it?" I whisper with a sad chuckle. He returns the action before tightening his grip on me.

"Definitely not. I guess we're quite the dramatic duo." His quiet laugh turns my cheeks red.

"I guess we are." My smile only widens as I still can't believe he chose me. Of all the lovely women in this world, especially the ones with as much publicity and like-fullness as him, he chose the lonely Colorado girl that had a dream of being a kindergarten teacher.

I'm basically nothing compared to everyone else, but he sees a light in me that he didn't see in the others, that I don't even see in myself, and it's that fact that makes me fall even more in love with him.

"I love you, y/n y/m/n y/l/n, much more than you'll ever know." He lets out after more minutes of still silence.

"And I love you, Thomas Stanley Holland and I'll never stop loving you." It's that moment when I say those words that I know just how truthful they are.

Even if we move our separate ways, if he finds someone else or if we break each other's hearts, he'll always take a piece of my heart with him.

But deep down there's this feeling of security in truly knowing that the man holding me until he has to leave is the one I'll be with for the rest of my life.

In this blanket of comfort and peace, I feel our chests slowly rise and fall in rhythm like a sweet lullaby as we fall asleep in each other's arms.
~ ~ ~
Over 2.5k reads! That's actually so crazy! Thank you guys so much <3

Also, I loved writing this part where Tom and y/n could just be together. I haven't really written a chapter full of their cute moments in a little while, so it definitely made me feel as single as I am xD

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this part just as much as I enjoyed writing it and I hope after this story, you'll go and check out my other works!

Here is a little something I'll give you guys regarding my next Tom fanfic: it's called Break Down Your Walls (BDYW). And let me just say two words, stoic CEO. I know I'm dying, too xD

Comment if you're excited for BDYW! I'd love to see if I have any readers waiting for it ;)

Anyway, I hope you are all enjoying your week and have the best day/night!


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