Part 23

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"Tom?" I look up into his brown eyes as I sit up on the bench. He fixes his position, making sure that his crutches didn't collapse to the ground.

"Yeah?" He asks as he tucks a loose piece of my hair behind my ear.

"What does this mean? What do we do now?" I fidget with my fingers, keeping my eyes on my lap. His hand reaches out as he lifts my head to make my eyes meet his.

"I don't know about you and how far you will allow your emotions to go, but I like you a lot, y/n. I want to spend every second with you and I want to shout it to the whole world, but with my following group it would be difficult to go anywhere." He points out and I feel my heart sink.

"Would you be ashamed to be with a girl from nowhere?" When I say this, he looks at me like I just said I invented sliced bread.

"Y/n, there's no other girl I'd rather be with! I'd let them all see us right now if you wanted to because that's how much I love you!" My eyes widen as I search for some sort of regret in his saying he loves me, but I find nothing but determination.

A smile creeps on my face as I let out a soft giggle before taking his hand. "I don't care at all about the photos or being followed around because we'd make our own fun like we always do. I want to shout it to the rooftops, Tom, because I love you too." I can see the relief in his face as I return his affection to the full extent.

He cups my cheeks in his hands with people walking past us in broad daylight. It's like my face has a permanent smile as he brings me close to him, his lips pressing against mine as if to tell everyone that I'm his.

As I'm held by him I can't help but think how I've always been his. I always thought I liked Philip but whenever we were together my thoughts were always on Tom and his recovery and even just his company.

Everything I did, everything I said lead back to him. As we pull away from each other, I grasp his hand in mine like we've done so many times in that hospital room 103.

"Well if we're going to be in a relationship, you need some merch from my home state, mister." I claim with a playful smirk and he can't hold in his laughter.

"Then let's go get me some." He says with a wide smile, picking up him crutches. I help him get up without loosing his balance before he places the crutches under his arms.

"Here let me throw these out inside really quick." I say as I pick up our breakfast bags and empty coffee cups. I go to turn away but Tom calls after me and when I lean forward towards him he kisses me quickly.

"I'm only gonna be gone for a minute." I say through a laugh.

"I know." He says, his smile widening to his ears. I shake my head, my cheeks turning pink.

As I enter the coffee shop, Anastasia's jaw is open wide. I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear as I approach her. "What?" I ask.

"I totally saw you two kiss like five times! So is it official?!" She asks, her voice filled with excitement.

"It was three times okay? And yes it's official." I say through a bashful laugh.

"Oh my gosh yes! My best friend is dating Tom Holland!" She exclaims quietly and I simply laugh as I give her a quick hug before I head back out to Tom.

"Now let's go make you boyfriend material." He lets out an overdramatic gasp with a hurt look.

"As if I'm not already!" He says with a chuckle.

"Yeah, mhm, sure."
~ ~ ~
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