Part 6

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"Why hello." Tom says with a laugh before wincing in pain. I'm shaken out of my trance as I come to his aid, concern filling my eyes.

"Tom, you need to rest." I say as I try to ignore what had just happened.

"I'm stuck in this hell hole for another five days. I'll get plenty of rest." He says as his body starts to relax, a long sigh leaving his lungs.

Philip walks up beside me, chart in his hands as he seems to be following my lead of trying to forget what had happened. "She's right, you know." He says as he looks at Tom with that doctorly look, a stiff tone in his voice as he seems to be trying to be intimidating.

Tom moves his eyes up to meet Philip's, his face straight with no expression. "If you want to get out of here in five days, you need to be getting as much sleep as you can so your body can heal." Philip adjusts some things as he speaks, his hand softly brushing against mine.

My cheeks blush fiercely, but I try to hide it by "getting something from my jacket" across the room.

"How can I sleep when this crazy thing keeps showing up?" Tom says with a mischievous smirk, his chocolate brown eyes landing on me.

"Oh so I'm crazy because I'm worried about your well being?" I tease, my eyes narrowing in a challenging way.

"Yes. Yes you are." There is a hint of sadness in his voice as if it was true. There is a moment of silence before Philip clears his throat and moves over towards me.

"You need rest too." He says as he rests one of his soft, big hands on my arm. His voice is soft and gentle with a real sense of care.

"I'll be fine, Philip." I say softly as I look in his eyes. We're so wrapped up in each other that we don't even think twice about blushing or being embarrassed.

"Still here." Tom says from the hospital bed, his lips smiling wide with a humorous look in his eyes.

"Right. I'll see you guys later then." Philip says, rubbing a hand behind his neck as he leaves the room. I look down at my feet with a stupid smile plastered on my face.

When I look back up, Tom has a look of disapproval and I'm not quite sure why. He doesn't even know Philip and he has only just gotten to know me and even then, not fully.

If Tom overheard something about Philip, he can't possibly believe it's true if he doesn't even know the person being talked about.

For some reason I feel anger and confusion towards his look even though he could very well just be staring off into space.

"I guess I should let you rest, huh?" I say as I calm myself down, putting back on a small smile. He sighs and rests his head back like a pouting child.

"I'm bored out of my mind in here!" He exclaims with a whining voice.

"Tom, there's a tv in here." I point out as I show him the remote and his eyes widen.

"I thought that was the remote to the bed! Gosh I've been dying without Love Island!" He grasps the remote with a new sense of eagerness and I look at him with confusion.

"Love Island?" I ask, unsure of the show he was talking about.

"Don't tell me you've never seen it!" He pleads, though he already knows the answer.

I shrug my shoulders before sitting next to him. "Well, we're watching it and we're doing it now." He says as he fiddled with the remote, his iv getting tangled around the remote's wire. I chuckle before taking it from his hands and searching it up.

His eyes fix on me for a second as the wheels in his brain are turning. "You don't have anywhere to be, do you? I'm not keeping you from anything am I?" He asks with sorrow in his voice as he expects me to leave right then and there.

"Nope, I've got all day." I shut off the lights and when I come back, Tom has quietly scooted to one end of the bed, leaving some room next to him. I stand beside him and look at him with concern.

"Are you sure? You're still healing, Tom. You weren't miraculously healed." I point out as I step closer.

"I noticed that when I tried scooting over here. So don't let my pain be in vain." He says, obviously guilt tripping. I sigh and shake my head with a small smile.

"You're impossible." Is all I say as I scoot up next to him as the tv shines in the dark room.
~ ~ ~
Oooo things are starting to get tense with    y/n and the boys!

Comment whose side your on! Philip or Tom? <3

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