Part 1

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We're rushed inside the hospital and it's hard for me to catch up in my slipping flats. Tom, a stranger to me, lays in pain with his eyes closed tightly unwilling to open.

His hand dangles on the side of the stretcher as he had let go of mine as the ambulance came to a stop. I can feel myself starting to loose my breath as I'm one of the most unfit people in the world, I'm a school teacher not an athlete.

One of the nurses stops me as the others continue on to bring Tom into a room to operate on him, I'm not quite sure what they are going to do as I'm not a doctor.

"Sorry, we can't allow anyone back there." He says his deep blue eyes landing on mine, a strong arm holding me back in his youth. The way he looks at me gives the assumption that I'm related or even in a relationship with the patient being rushed away.

I let out a few breaths before situating myself, standing up straight. "Do you know what they're going to do to him?" I ask as I cross my arms in front of me, my eyes following the blurring stretcher.

"Not sure, I usually am not on emergency cases but I've been here long enough to know you aren't allowed back there. I'm sure your boyfriend will be fine." There it is. I let out a small laugh which probably doesn't seem appropriate in this situation.

I clear my throat before continuing. "Oh, he's not my boyfriend. I don't even know him. I was there when the accident happened and the only one who pulled over to help." I push a piece of my hair behind my ear as I have to look away from the nurse.

I catch a glimpse of his name tag which says, "Philip" and my heart starts racing for no reason. He is at most twenty-four, two years older than myself. "Oh, sorry for assuming." He says with an apologetic tone.

"It's fine. I'm still worried about him though. I think I'll stay until he wakes up, if that's allowed." I suggest as I look toward the place I last saw Tom.

"Of course. I have a fifteen minute break in thirty minutes if you want to talk?" He asks in a shy voice, a hand combing through his curly, dirty blonde hair.

"Oh, uh sure." I say trying not to sound too shocked. "In the mean time, I need to call someone." I say with a small smile and he gives a nod before I walk off towards the waiting room. I type in the number of the school with a heavy heart, hoping this didn't cost me my job. "Hello, this is y/n." I begin after they pick up the phone.

"Oh yes, you missed your interview." The person on the other end says right off the bat.

"There is a perfectly good explanation. I was right behind a head on collision and I went to see if the drivers were alright. I was the only witness and the only person one of the driver remotely knew just from me being there. I had to go with him to the hospital and now I have to wait for him to wake up. I hope you can understand." I get out quickly as I pace back and forth, some teary eyes glancing up at me through their sorrow for whoever they were here to see.

"That's awful! Of course we understand, would you like to reschedule your interview?" The receptionist asks in a genuine tone.

"That would be amazing!" I let out in relief.

"How does next Saturday sound?" She asks and my heart rejoices for exactly a week from now.

"Sounds awesome!" I say in excitement.

"Alright, we'll see you then." And with that, the call ends and I look over to see Philip's eyes dart away from me.

My cheeks grow pink, but quickly grow pale as a doctor walks up to me. "Miss, he's awake." I look to her in shock, what medicine did they give him?! "Follow me."
~ ~ ~
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