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My heart begins to ache when I open my eyes for the first time, knowing what the day would bring.

I don't want to climb out of Tom's grasp, I don't want him to get up and start packing his bags, I don't want his parents to have to drag him out of my arms, I don't want to say goodbye when I know that it isn't goodbye.

There are countless more reasons as to why I don't want to move or why I wish that I could just go back to last night.

Memories flash back to the first time I ever spoke to Tom and I can hear the words I first told him and the first words he was able to say to me.

"I was the only one who stayed which is why I wanted to make sure you were all right." Those words I spoke before he reached and grabbed my hand still ring in my ears.

I was the only one that stayed. I stayed by his side when he needed me the most even when neither of us knew it.

"Why so quiet? It's still the same old me." Even then, his words made me weak in the knees. His voice was so raspy that first time he spoke to me after having to stay silent for so long.

I remember being so hesitant to speak to him, forgetting all that we had shared before. That experience he had wasn't only a growing period for him, but it helped me to grow as well and for us to grow together.

"Darling?" I feel his soft whisper against my skin. I keep thinking to myself that this is all a dream, that I'll wake up and he won't have to leave and that all of his things were in the apartment next door.

As I keep quiet, not even being able to look at him, I feel his fingers beginning to twirl my hair. Tears begin to form in my eyes and that familiar sting shoots through them while my throat closes up.

"Please." I whisper, pleading in one word for him to stay. The pain I feel makes me wonder if he could possibly feel the same thing because it seems like a pain that could never be replicated.

I finally gain the courage to look into his dark eyes and when I do, I see tears streaming down his cheeks, his usual smile nowhere in sight.

In that look I can tell that ever time my heart begins to shatter, his does the same. We don't need to say anything else as I wrap my arms around his neck, taking in every part of him for what feels like the last time though I know it isn't.

"Just a little while." He says, his voice muffled as he speaks through my long hair.

"Just a little while." I repeat his words as we both seem to be trying to convince ourselves more than each other.

*A few hours later*

The car seems so silent as I drive the Hollands to the airport.

Tom's hand grips onto mine so tight that I'm not sure I'll be able to feel it much longer, though I am holding on just as strong. In the rear view mirror I can see his parents watching us with a sorrowful look in their eyes.

When the airport comes into view, I have to hold my breath to keep more tears from shedding over this situation that would only last for a few months.

Other couples have to be apart for much longer such as military families that don't know when or if they'll get to see their loved ones again, so I remember just how blessed Tom and I are that we have that fact of knowing we'll see each other again.

Everything seems like a blur until we get to their gate, just as far as they would allow me to follow.

As I get ready to reluctantly let go of his hand, Tom reaches in his pocket and grips my hand even tighter before placing a simple band of a ring on my finger. He leans in towards my ear and whispers, "I promise that one day we won't have to say anymore goodbyes."

I let out a long sigh, not being able to control the silent tears that stream down my cheeks. I wrap my arms tightly around his neck, going up on my tiptoes before pressing my lips on his for one last time.

At this point I don't care who sees us, what paparazzi pictures are taken, how many fans wish to speak to him but are waiting patiently, I don't care about anything other than getting one last moment with him.

"I love you." He whispers, his voice shaking.

"I love you, too." I respond as I hesitantly unwrap my arms from around him.

When I see his parents getting everything ready to board, I embrace them tightly as well.

No words are shared, no one says good bye, we just take in this last moment.

My chest rises and falls quickly as I watch them move towards the line to board.

Tom turns around for one last glimpse of me and I take in that last look of him, rubbing the ring he placed on my finger. "No more goodbyes." I mouth to him and his lips open to mouth the same words.

"No more goodbyes."
~ ~ ~
Don't worry everyone, an epilogue is coming your way soon!

I hope you all have enjoyed this story and please comment if you have and vote to show me that you'd like to see more of my fanfics!

I loved writing this story and I really hope you enjoyed reading it just as much!

Thank you guys so much for reading and I'll catch you in the epilogue <3


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