Part 4

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The burning sensation under my eyes is a sign of the sun being up, but my body not wanting to cooperate. Reluctantly, I open my eyes slowly as my apartment room is filled with light from outside.

I cling to the covers as it seems like being out of them, I would be in the Arctic. Eventually, I get out of those as well and I pull on a sweatshirt over my long t-shirt and slipping on a pair of sweatpants. I pull my hair up into a messy bun and slip on my big black glasses.

I head towards my quiet kitchen and start up some coffee as I basically cuddle into myself. I mentally decide to stop by the hospital before I start my daily activities and before I even get ready for the day. Preparing a traveling mug of coffee, I start my way down the hallway.

"You're leaving early." The doorman points out with a confused look. His greying hair pokes through underneath his ridiculous cap.

"I guess I got myself a life, huh?" I say with a small shrug as he gets the door for me. He simply lets out a small laugh as I head towards my car.

The drive to the hospital is uneventful, thankfully, as I slowly begin to really wake up. The clock says it is nine thirty, but I barely believe it. It is at the most, seven o'clock and for some reason I couldn't wait to talk to Tom again, my excitement growing as I get closer.

Even though he can't physically talk back to me, it's nice to just talk to someone who doesn't know your past. My only hope is that he doesn't ask about my scar again, that story isn't a happy one nor one I wish to share. Luckily the scar had shrunk over the years and I hope it will shrink to nothing eventually.

I park in the underground garage and make my way to the lobby before heading towards Tom's room. I enter to see no one in the bed, no nurses, no doctors. Suddenly I'm filled with worry.

Where did they take him? I look outside to see Philip casually leaning against the doorframe and I'm filled with embarrassment for the way I look.

"They went to take X-rays to see if the mask can be taken away." He says simply as he knew exactly what I was thinking.

I feel a wave of relief flood through my veins as my shoulders relax though I didn't even notice them tense. He steps into the room a little more with his charming, wide smile.

"I know we've just met yesterday, but would you like to go out sometime this week? I have some time off in the next few days." His voice has a hint of nervousness in it that sends butterflies in my stomach.

"Yeah, I would like that." I say in the calmest voice I can manage. His eyes shimmer in the grimly lit hospital room as he nods his head.

"I'll see you soon then." He says with smiling eyes.

"I'll see you soon then." I say back with a cheeky grin as he begins to leave the room, his hands in his pockets. Before he turns the corner of the hallway, Tom is rolled in by a nurse and the oxygen mask is moved, revealing his defined but beat up features.

I find myself speechless as his eyes keep towards the ceiling. As the nurse leaves us after explaining to me his situation, it feels as if I'm meeting him for the first time. "Why so quiet?" His voice lets out, it raspy without use.

"It's a lot more intimidating to meet you when you can talk back." I confess with a nervous smile.

"It's still the same old me." He says softly as he winces in pain as he tries to feet comfortable. As a sign of this, he places his fingers on his lips before placing them on top of my hand.

I am immediately put at ease as a small smile begins to form on my lips. "Well, I'll keep my promise then. Interrogate me." A mischievous smirk forms in his busted lips.
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~Aoife <3

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