Part 14

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I walk into the hospital with my head down, hoping and praying Philip wouldn't be working at this hour. I go to the front desk and only make eye contact with Dolly for a second before looking down at my folded hands.

"Is Tom ready for discharge yet?" I ask as I try to sound normal although my demeanor is all screwed up.

"A nurse is getting his crutches now. You can wait in his room if you'd like. Is everything alright, y/n?" Her voice is soft as I want nothing else then to give a giant hug to Tom and just golf down multiple cartons of Chinese food.

"Yeah everything is great, Dolly. Thank you!" I give her a small, forced smile as I make my way down to room 103.

As I walk in, I see Tom's hand grasping Philip's wrist tightly with an angry, no, furious expression. I hold my head high as I walk up next to Tom who is standing up, not in a hospital gown, for the first time I've ever seen in person, crutches underneath his arms.

"If you ever talk to her again..." Tom whispers through his teeth angrily.

As he sees me, he drops his hand sending Philip's wrist to fall quickly at his side. I shoot Philip an "I'm better than you" look as I try to hold in my tears just by looking at him.

"Understood." Philip says towards the ground, but in Tom's direction. For the first time, there was an uneasiness in his voice.

He doesn't say a single word to me as he takes Tom's charts and walks out of the hospital room.

"Wh-What was that about?" I ask in a shaky voice, trying to keep my composure.

"It was nothing." Tom says as he tries to calm himself down from his rage. A sigh escapes both of us at the same time and we snicker at the fact.

"You ready to go home? I got your luggage from the hotel back at my place." My eyes widen at the fact that I just called my apartment his home and my cheeks flush as I shake my head.

"I mean, are you ready to go?" I ask again with a deep breath.

"I'm ready to go to my temporary home and to call my family. They wanted to know when I left the hospital so they could come visit at the end of my recovery and take me home with them." For the first time I realize that in a few weeks, Tom was going to be going back to England and I'd most likely never see him again.

I nervously tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, but his hand grabs onto mine just like it's done many times before.

"I'll come back and visit you and your little class every chance I get. I promise. I can't lose one of my closest friends just like that." With this, he stumbles closer as he tries to hug me with his crutches.

"Let's get out of here." I let out in a fit of laughter.
~ ~ ~
I'm so excited to show how Tom and y/n interact while living in the same apartment!

Just a reminder that this story is for all ages so no mature content will occur other than kissing ;)

Please continue to read, vote, and comment! <3

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