Part 8

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I walk into the hospital with the same messy bun as the day before, but this time I've put on some simple makeup. I look to the receptionist who was there for my last five visits since Tom has been in here.

"Hi, darling! They're doing some x-rays so you'll have to wait about thirty minutes." She says with a sorrowful look.

Though I wanted to see Tom, I was looking forward to hopefully some alone time with Philip. Since the incident, he's been a bit more comfortable around me as he realized his feelings were reciprocated.

"Would I be able to wait in his room for him, Dolly?" I ask with a pleading look and I can tell that she thought there was something between Tom and I instead of Philip.

"Alright. You can watch the tv if you want." She says as she nods down the hallway.

"Thank you!" I say with a wide smile. I head down the hallway and into room 103 to see a tall blonde glancing down at Tom's charts.

My cheeks grow a light shade of pink as I smoothly lean against the door frame. His blue eyes rise away from the sheets and as he looks to his left, a small smile dances on his thin lips.

"Why hello." Philip says as he takes long strides to make it to my side.

"Hi." I reply as I look up at him, an arm wraps around my waist as he pulls me into a hug. "You have tomorrow off right?" I ask as he pulls me close to him, me nestled under his arm.

"Nah, I'm booked." He says and I look to him with a pained expression. "My whole day has been taken up with the perfect date for the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." His words flow so easily that my knees begin to feel unsteady.

"What a lucky girl." I reply with a sheepish grin, his hand brushing my cheek. He begins to lean his head down and my heart beats faster and faster that I'm afraid it will explode. Just as our foreheads are about to touch, his walkie-talkie turns on, Dolly's voice muffling through.

"Next dose needed in room 34, Philip." He lets put a sigh before pulling away and picking up the small device.

"On it." He says with a pitiful look in his eyes.

"Go save some lives." I say with a proud smile. He lets out a laugh before planting a quick kiss on my cheek, sending butterflies swarming into my stomach.

As he leaves, I fall to the ground in a small fit of giggles. My fingers linger over my cheek before grazing past that small scar Tom seems so interested in.

I sigh and pick myself up, my hand falling at my side as I'm unwilling to think about all that had happened leading up to that mark and the ones hidden by my clothes.

Right as I make it to the uncomfortable chair by Tom's bedside, he's rolled into the room. He gives a flash of a smile as he sees me, excitement in his eyes.

"Looking good! His bones are healing in the right way and he's on a good track to full recovery. He'll still need the monitoring after his release, so his place should be figured out in the next few days." The doctor explains and I look to Tom with a questioning look.

"I think my arrangements have been made, sir." He says and I give a surprised glance. "I'll be staying with y/n." He says as he nods towards me and the doctor simply nods his head.

"I'll get the paperwork then." And with that he leaves and I take Tom's hand in mine.

"Really?" I ask with excitement. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" He says with a small chuckle, careful not to hurt himself. "It's not like I have anywhere else to go anyway." He adds and I give him a playful roll of my eyes.

"This is gonna be great! Since you'll be in crutches, you can still go out and I can take you around town and show you my favorite spots!" I begin to ramble as my excitement grows.

Tom simply looks to me with a soft smile as he listens to my silly ideas, allowing me to be excited for our time spent together.
~ ~ ~
This one is for all of you Philip shippers!

Thank you guys so much for reading! Please vote and comment to show me if you like the story! <3

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