Part 27

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My alarm blares in my ear and I let out a long groan while reaching to turn it off, my eyes still shut tight. The smell of fresh brewed coffee finds its way into my bedroom and I smile in delight at its fragrance.

Slowly but surely I open my eyes as the familiar sting of morning light flowing through my thin, white curtains is felt in my eyes.

With shaky legs, I make it out of bed and quickly put my hair up into a messy bun. When I take a few steps to get to the kitchen, I see Tom with two mugs filled with coffee.

"What's all this?" I ask, my voice groggy from sleep. He simply smiles as he hops his way over to me, making sure to not step down on his cast, as he places a quick kiss on my forehead.

"Since you have your interview this morning, I thought you would need an extra boost." Tom's voice is fresh and soothing, a sign that's he's been up for at least half an hour.

"You didn't have to do that, love." I take a big gulp of the creamed coffee, him making it just how I like it. He gave a small shrug as a side smile forms on his thin, European lips.

"I know, but I'd do anything for you, darling. Even making coffee in your complicated pot." He replies with the softest tone and a quiet chuckle as if there was a baby that he would wake up at the slightest raise of his voice.

"I don't deserve you." My head shakes from side to side in a gentle gesture while I cup the mug in both of my hands.

"No, I don't deserve you." Again, he always knows how to make me blush as he carefully makes it back to his spot at the wooden kitchen counter, his crutches resting against one of the stools.

"You should probably start getting ready." Tom looks back at me after glancing towards the time that is ticking on my oven.

I gulp down the last bit of coffee in my mug before getting up and heading towards my closet.

I put the outfit that I had picked out last night on my bed before heading to my bathroom and putting on some quick makeup, brush my hair, and brush my teeth.

I get fully ready in about thirty minutes and quickly grab my purse before heading towards the front door.

"Keys." Tom says simply as I look over to see him looking at me from the couch.

"This is why I need you here." I let out a soft chuckle as I grab my car keys off of the table.

"Good luck, darling. Love you." My heart flutters at his words, wishing this could last forever.

"Love you too." And with that I close the front door and make my way towards the parking lot of the apartment complex.

The drive to the little school is only about five minutes because the traffic was barely anything as it is still early in the morning.

When I walk into the lobby, I already see Mrs. Norwhich with a warm smile on her lips. "Good morning, Miss y/n. It's so lovely to have you here with us again." She says as she brings out her hand for me to shake. I grip onto it and give it a few small shakes before saying, "it's amazing to be back, Mrs. Norwhich."

Her smile widens as she leads me into her office. "I took a deeper look into your degree and your experience as a substitute teacher. All reviews and recommendations for you have only said outstanding things and judging by your answers to my questions the other week, it wouldn't seem right to not have you be a part of our staff." My heart feels like it's in my throat as my excitement increases noticeably.

"Thank you, ma'am." Is all I am able to say as the widest smile spreads across my face.

"It would be a pleasure for you to be our kindergarten teacher for class B this upcoming year. I know it might be short notice, but classes start in three weeks. I have our  curriculum right here," she places a few books and packets on the desk in front of me.

"You can make any tweaks to it that you see fit and the packet right here is how we usually schedule our year." She pushes a four pages packet towards me and I'm surprisingly not overwhelmed at it all as I'm just overtaken by excitement.

"So, what do you say? Do you want the job?" She asks, already knowing my answer as I'm ready to jump out of my seat.

"Yes! Thank you so much, ma'am." I shake her hand once more before gathering everything in my arms.

For the next few minutes, my new boss finishes explaining to me the necessities and requirements that I would need to know and meet for my students.

As I'm leaving, I am basically shaking with relief and exhilaration. I can't wait to get home and give Tom the biggest hug as I know just how thrilled he will be for me.

I decide to stop by the coffee shop near my apartment to get some pastries to celebrate with and sadly Anastasia isn't working so I'll have to just call her later today.

As my name is called, there is a small tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a young girl around thirteen or fourteen with a shy expression. "Excuse me. You're Tom Holland's girlfriend, y/n, right?" She asks in a shaky and nervous tone.

I put on a warm smile, "yeah I am. And you are?" I ask in a kind voice and I can see the shyness melt away off of her face.

"I'm Juliette! Could I get a picture with you really fast?" She asks and I feel so honored to be able to say yes. I grip her phone in my hand and wrap my arm around her as we both give big smiles.

"Thank you so much!" And with that I give her a big hug before she scuttles back to her seat with her mom who mouths to me, "thank you."

I simply nod my head and grab mine and Tom's food. "Tom Holland's girlfriend." Yeah this is going to take a little while to get used to, but I'm prepared for that and I'm more than ready.
~ ~ ~
I kind of wanted to show how people are starting to recognize y/n out in public ;)

Also can we just talk about how y/n got the job?! I'm so happy that I'm finally making everything go right for her!

Sorry Anastasia wasn't in this chapter :(
I'm sure she'll be back soon ;)

Please vote and comment if you're enjoying the story so far and leave some suggestions of things you'd like to see!

I hope everyone's weeks go well this week and have a nice rest of your day/night!


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