Part 28

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I rush into the apartment, carelessly throwing the pastries and books on the counter as I run into Tom's arms.

I start laughing as he wraps his arms around me slowly in a confused gesture. He must have taken my laughter as crying because he pulls me in tight, adjusting my body so I sit comfortably on his lap in a fetal sort of bridal style.

"What happened?" He asks quietly as he reaches to turn off the tv.

"I got the job." I say simply, biting my lip as I hold in my excitement. Those big brown eyes widen as a smile pulls at the corners of his pink lips.

He wraps his arms around me even tighter before showering me in little tickles of kisses along my cheeks and forehead before meeting my own smiling lips.

He pulls away and brushes a piece of hair behind my ear as he tilts his head slightly so that he can look right into my eyes.

"I'm so unbelievably proud of you, darling." Even after all we've been through and how much time we've spent together, my stomach turns with longing and sheepish embarrassment at his gentle words.

"You were right. That time in the hospital before my first interview. You said that I could do it, that you knew I could. You were my lucky charm." I wrap my arms loosely around his neck as my eyes focus on his.

"You did all of that yourself, love." Tom's smile shortens and moves to the side of his mouth in a charming smirk.

"I brought celebratory pastries." At the mention of food, his eyes light up even more as he frantically looks around. Get yourself a man that gets as excited at the sound of your name as Tom does at the sound of food.

"Here let me go get them." I let out a laugh as I step over his crutches towards my wooden kitchen. "I hope chocolate croissants are okay."

I make my way back over to the couch and curl up into his side, handing over the bag to him.

"Quaksons are my favorite!" He exclaims and I let out a small chuckle under my breath. The fans weren't wrong. He really does say quakson.

"Just give me mine already, you dork." I nudge him softly before he stares at me with an over exaggerated hurt look on his face.

"Me? A dork? You clearly have that mixed up." Instead he challenges me, a smirk curling up on his lips.

"Oh really?" I ask, leaning closer towards him.

"Really." And with that he tasers my side with his fingers causing me to shriek out in laughter.

"Tom! Ow!" I can't help but laugh as his fingers continue to tickle my sides.

"If it hurts why are you laughing?" He asks as he continues to laugh himself, finally stopping as I'm now laying down on the couch, him looking over me with a playful smile.

As I recover, I look up to meet his chocolate eyes and immediately lose my ability to speak. I can't help but just stare at him and think that he's all mine. Any girl would kill to be in my spot right now, to be staring at Tom Holland and for him to stare back with so much intensity.

His eyes trail to look me up and down slowly but in a respectful way, his eyes jumping passed any part of my body that would be inappropriate. "You're so beautiful." His accent whispers into my ear, his breath soft and warm tickling against my skin.

"I'm so in love with you." I manage to get out before he places his arm around my waist and pulling me into him so I could sit up again.

Tom's cheeks grow a light shade of pink before he places a soft kiss on my forehead just light enough where I could barely feel it. "I love you, too." There is no doubt in my mind that he is telling the truth in those four words.

I begin to dig into my croissant as Tom turns the tv back on, but then my phone buzzes.

I look down to see a number that seemed familiar but didn't have a name attached. There is a text sitting on my home screen that I wished I would never have to see.

"Let me explain. I hope we can work this out because we really have something special. -Philip."
~ ~ ~
This part was all cute an all but I had to add in some drama ;)

To find out what happens next and how y/n responds, look out for the next part!

Please vote to show me if you like the story and comment what your favorite Tom and y/n moment has been so far :D

Thank you all so much for 450 reads and adding to your reading lists, this is crazy! You all are amazing thank you again <3


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