Part 32

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I squeeze Tom's hand tightly as I roll on my heels to up on my toes over and over again. My nerves are acting up more than I thought they would.

I have already talked to his parents and they're so unbelievably kind, but I guess it's sort of like how I felt about Tom when he could speak again. It's more nerve racking when you're face to face or when the other can reply to your stupid comments.

"Hey," Tom leans over and whispers into my ear with a small smile. "They already love you, y/n. You have nothing to be nervous about."

I glance away from him towards the escalators in the airport as I try and take multiple deep breaths. "I'm just not that great at meeting the parents I guess." An awkward and short laugh escapes my lips as I swear my hand is in a sauna as its gripped with Tom's.

"You've met them before, love. It may have been through a screen, but it's not much of a difference." He plants a light kiss on my cheek, the touch causing my shoulders to relax and my breathing to slightly slow down.

"If it helps, they're also really excited to meet you in person. They haven't stopped talking about it on the phone since we started dating." A warm chuckle rings in my ear while his thumb rubs back and forth on my hand.

"I'm excited too, but also nervous." I admit with another short laugh. He simply rolls his eyes with a small smile which causes me to laugh again, slowly forgetting about what is coming.

Tom looks away towards the escalator, my eyes following his. Then I see them. Tom's mother's red hair is easily recognizable along with his father's identical smirk to his son's.

A wide smile curls onto my lips and we both go up towards the escalator to help them with their bags. Right as they get off, I am embraced by Tom's mom.

"It's so nice to meet you in person, dear." Her accent is even more sweet than over the phone and the warmth I receive is more than I can explain.

"It's nice to meet you, too!" From the corner of my eye I can see Tom and his dad hugging and talking at the same time.

I'm only able to make out one phrase from his father: "I'm so glad you're okay." My heart seems to melt as I can see just how close Tom is with his family.

We then switch places as Tom's dad brings me in for a quick hug as he keeps his contagious smile on his face. "Thank you so much for taking care of Tom." He says with a genuine look in his dark eyes.

"It's the least I could've done." My nerves seem to be completely gone as I remember that they're just people.

I can see tears forming in Nikki's eyes as she clings onto her son for the first time since his accident. Tom's eyes are tightly shut as he buries his head in his mom's shoulder, the fact that he missed both of his parents is obvious.

I don't even think about how in two days Tom will be back in England, but I just focus on the excitement I have to really get to know his family.

"Here let me get that for you guys." I reach out and grab one of their small rolling suitcases.

"Oh you don't have to do that." Dominic looks at both Tom and I as we grab the bags.

"I'm hosting, it's my pleasure." My smile widens as we lead them out to the car, Tom sharing some of our crazy stories that we've experienced in the past four weeks.

In their respectful, gentlemanly way, Tom opens my door to the car while Dominic opens Nikki's. I quickly kiss Tom on the cheek before getting into the driver's seat and starting the car.

The ride back to my apartment is about twenty minutes and it's filled with stories and conversation. At one point Tom puts his hand on my knee, rubbing it softly with his thumb.

I'll admit that I was kind of embarrassed as his parents were right in the back seats. When I looked in the rear view mirror, though, their faces were smiling with joy and content which helped ease my stupid anxiousness.

When we reach my apartment complex, Tom and I grab their bags, Tom limping slightly from his boot while I lead everyone to my floor.

Tom grabs my keys that dangle from his pocket off of a lanyard and unlocks the front door. The hinges squeak slightly as the door swings open to show a perfectly spotless and clean apartment.

"Wow, this flat is so beautiful!" Nikki exclaims as she enters the space. I feel myself blush in slight embarrassment but pride for my little home.

"Thank you." I reply as we all move further in. Tom and I get them all settled into their room, well Tom's room, but now he'll be sleeping on the couch for his last two nights here in Breckenridge, Colorado.

I head to my room to start getting ready for dinner, but I hear a soft knock. "Come in." I reply to the knock and the door slowly opens to reveal Tom.

"I don't want to leave." He says simply, his voice slightly cracking with emotion.

"Your life is in England right now, Tom. Like you said, we can make it." I walk closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I know, but everything will seem familiar to me there but different without you, more empty." I feel his chest rise and fall with a long sigh.

"It'll only be for a little while, right?" I point out, trying to smile and hide my hurt to help bring him up.

"Yeah, you're right." We stay in this position for about two minutes, clinging onto each other in silence.

I was afraid of Tom leaving if I didn't get the job at the school because then I'd having nothing to fill the empty time with. Now that I have the job, I'll be able to focus on the little ones I'll be teaching and Tom will have his family and upcoming jobs on his mind.

This won't be so hard, will it?
~ ~ ~
I loved writing this part so much!

Having y/n meet Tom's parents in person has been something I've been looking forward to write and share since the beginning.

I hope you all are enjoying the story and leave a comment and vote if you are!

Thank you all so much for 800 reads, that is so crazy! <3


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