Part 31

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I tap my foot anxiously in the waiting room, making little smiles towards Dolly at the front desk.

I look down at my phone, not really searching for something in particular as I try to pass time while Tom gets his cast off and boot on.

I feel a soft tap on my shoulder and I glance up to see those sadly familiar blonde curls, my heart dropping. "Can we talk?" Philip's voice sounds desperate, but I've met too many manipulative people to believe the truth of the sound.

"No we can't." I stand my ground, filled with more anger than sadness for what he did.

"Come on, y/n. It's not like we were official or anything." He rolls his eyes towards me, his true colors seeping through his supposedly charming demeanor.

"I said we can't talk. Don't you have a job to do, Philip?" My eyes slightly squint as I cross my arms in front of me, standing up from my seat.

"So Tom Holland, huh? Quite the gold digger you turned out to be." He challenges and at this point I lose it.

I see Tom's door open from the corner of my eye and his silhouette watching us closely. I face back towards Philip with a small smirk.

"Nah, I just have a better taste than I thought I did." I say as I look him up and down. "And if seeing someone actually happy for once makes you want to break everything they have, that just shows how incredibly pathetic you are."

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I think our unwanted and unneeded talk is over." I go to walk away, but his hand grabs onto my wrist with so much force that I'm sure a bruise would be left from the action.

I turn to face him again, sinking my nails into his skin before grabbing onto the collar of his shirt, not caring if anyone else saw.

"Now leave me alone and go rot somewhere else. I can't stand your stench." This time he lets me leave as he grips his wrist towards his chest with a slightly pained face as the marks I made are clearly visible.

As I head towards Tom's room, I see a proud smile has formed on his lips while he leans on the door frame.

He wraps his arm around me as he no longer has crutches under his arms. He pulls me close to him before planting a soft kiss on my lips, clearly making a statement to Philip, but I honestly don't mind.

As we pull away from each other, I take his hand in mind and pull him into the room before looking down at the black boot reaching his mid-shin. He has a bit of a limp because of the height of the boot compared to his other foot.

"It's quite the look. I like it." I say as I meet his eyes with a small smirk.

"Well I'm glad." Tom lets out a small laugh before enlacing his fingers with mine.

"You did good out there." He adds after a small pause, his eyes staring at our hands.

"I don't think he'll bother me or you again." I bring up my other hand to lift his chin so his eyes meet mine.

"Did you take care of the paperwork and call your parents?" I ask as I look towards our coats that rest on the edge of the bed.

"Yep we can leave now and my parents are actually planning on coming tomorrow evening. I can sleep on the couch and they can take my room. And then if you want, we can spend the next day together and then we'll probably leave the day after that." I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding as I slowly nod my head.

"Yeah that sounds good." I try and hide the disappointment in my voice, but I just can't.

Tom's hand reaches up slowly as he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear before cupping my cheek.

"We'll be okay." I can tell by his face that he'll miss me just as much as I will miss him, his eyes glassy as he tries to not lose control of his emotions.

"I know. Just as long as I've known you, I've seen you everyday. It's going to be hard getting used to you not being around so easily." I let out a short sad laugh.

"We'll FaceTime everyday, alright? And once I can, I'll come right back for as long as possible."

Every relationship goes through troubles. Most of the times it's fights, and others it's the unbearable thought of being away from each other.

It may sound ridiculous or cliché or even dramatic, but it really is going to be nearly impossible to not think of him every moment we aren't together. At least I'll have his promise to think back on during those times and my own promise.

"I guess I have to go clean up the apartment, don't I?" I let out a dramatic sigh.

"I did make a bit of a mess. Now that I can walk easily, I can help. We can make a little fun out of it." He suggests before twirling me in a little circle as he hums the little song that I sang when I thought he was asleep during one of the days at the hospital that seems so long ago.

"That we can." With that we say our last goodbyes to Dolly, promising to visit without being near death.

I leave behind the situations with Philip, all of them including the ones I thought were good.

The only thing I don't leave behind is the memories of meeting Tom for the first time and our little ways of communicating when he couldn't speak.

Those times were simple and beautiful, now they are more complicated but so much more gorgeous.
~ ~ ~
Thank you guys so much for reading!! It really does mean a lot :)

I think there is about two or three chapters left, so the end is upon us :(

Comment if you're sad or happy that the story is ending xD

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