Part 34

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I take a long sip of my ice cold water, hearing Tom panting slightly behind me. I quickly turn my head to make sure his foot wasn't bothering him, but then I see him holding his side, seeming to have a cramp.

"I'm way too out of shape." He lets out with a tired chuckle, his parents a good few feet in front of us taking in the scenery.

Last time I checked, Tom was definitely looking more in shape than I was. "Come on, you're way stronger than me!" I nudge him slightly, trying to cover up my own heavy breathing.

All of a sudden, Tom perks up seeming completely fine before taking long strides, walking in front of me and putting his arms behind him.

"Tom, no. You have a broken foot!" I giggle lightly as I know he wants to give me a piggyback ride.

"You're like a feather! Come on, it'll be fun." He urges me with a new sense of playful determination. I sigh and roll my eyes with a teasing smirk.

"So was all that just an act?" I ask as I prepare myself to be lifted off the ground, Tom wrapping his arms around my legs.

"Basically." He replies and before I know it, I'm swooped off the ground and I instinctively wrap my arms tight around his neck and link my legs together in front of him, letting out a soft scream.

"You didn't warn me!" I exclaim as I lightly hit his shoulder, reluctantly loosening my grip around his neck.

Tom lets out a quiet laugh before he looks to the right to see the mountains so close to us, yet far at the same time.

I can see the brightness radiating off his face as I'm sure he feels so free without crutches, being able to move around easily, and even being able to pick up his girlfriend.

I take in this moment of observation, resting my head in a comfortable spot in between his shoulder and head. I slightly turn my head, kissing the edge of his jaw, but trying to reach for his cheek.

When we both look forward once again, we see Nikki holding her phone up with a wide smile. "Mum!" Tom exclaims, his cheeks turning bright red.

"It's for Instagram!" She says, acting like a true mom which leads me to smile with an easy happiness. "Here, I'll send it to you two." She says before turning back around, typing into her phone.

"Send it to me too! I haven't posted about Tom in a while." I hear Dom say which causes me to laugh even more.

"I'm sorry about them." Tom says, shaking his head slightly while tightening his hold on me.

"It's completely fine, Tom. I need to update my new thousands of followers of how you're doing anyway." I say, remembering I haven't really posted much about my relationship with Tom other than little clips on my story and little tweets on Twitter.

"I'm sure they would eat that up." Tom says, a genuine laugh coming from his lips.

"I know! There's already fan edits of us!" My chest rises and falls quickly in a chuckle before I give one last squeeze to Tom, a sign for him to put me down so I can stretch my legs.

Once he gently lets me down, he immediately enlaces his fingers with mine just like usual. At this point all of the little things about Tom being famous have become normal.

Almost anytime I go out, I have someone look at me twice or ask for a picture and I honestly love it. If I can make someone's day so special, I would love to do so.

Along with him being famous, I've also had to get used to just how genuinely kind he is. Of course we're both still human so we've had our little squabbles about what to eat that night or what show to watch. But after all of that, he shows me how much he cares about me and it's the first time I've ever really had that.

While I'm lost in my thoughts, we make it towards the peak of the trail where the maintains are the most visible.

We all take our phones out, taking pictures of the memorable view. Tom points his camera at the mountains and then towards me, so I immediately give a smile along with a laugh.

(Later I would find out that he put that on his story along with posting the picture of me on his back and another of us holding hands.)

I do something similar where I took a short video of our hands holding onto each other before showing the beautiful view and tag him in it before putting it on my story, already getting messages about it minutes after posting.

"This has been so nice. Thank you for having us, dear." Nikki says, giving me a quick hug as we're all breaking a slight sweat.

"It's my pleasure! I'm so happy that I could meet you in person." I return her warm smile, making eye contact with Dom as well so the comment was addressed to both of them.

"You make him so happy, so really thank you." Nikki whispers into my ear while Tom looks back out towards the view with his dad.

My cheeks burn at this, but I can't help it. "And he makes me very happy." I reply, my voice showing just how genuine I was and how true my statement was. Nikki's smile grows even wider, if possible, as I can tell that this is something very important to her.

I look back out towards the view, knowing this would be my last "date" with Tom for the next few weeks, but being able to share it with his parents was an added bonus.

I make a mental note to try and talk to Tom again after his parents are asleep so we can have some time alone one last time.

The fact that he will be leaving tomorrow doesn't hit as hard as I was expecting it to because I take my own words into account, "Let's just live today and deal with tomorrow when it comes."
~ ~ ~
Thank you guys so much for voting and getting me to #12 in the tomhollandfanfiction hashtag! Thats so amazing!

Please continue to vote and comment to show me that you're enjoying the story!

Again thank you guys so much for reading and I'll talk to you again in the next part <3


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