Part 13

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I stare into my reflection as I tuck a fly away behind my ear. My hands run over my black pencil skirt before I straighten my blouse. I take a deep breath as I turn away from the small mirror in the lobby of the elementary school.

My phone silently vibrates and I look down quickly to see a text from Tom. "You've got this!😁" A smile forms on my lips as I begin to relax.

"Miss y/n?" I hear my name and I bring up my eyes to see the principal. "Right this way." She leads me into her office as small wrinkles form at the corners of her eyes, showing she was a normal smiler.

"I heard about your incident last weekend. I'm sorry you had to miss your interview. How is the young man?" She asks with a warm tone in her voice.

"Much better, ma'am. He'll be discharged today actually. I'll be picking him up after the interview." She nods her head in silent approval.

"So," she begins hike folding her hands together. "It says in your application form that you have a degree in youth education. What made you want to start teaching children?" My heart leaps in excitement as I begin to answer.

"I grew up with no siblings, but I had many friends with little sisters and brothers. Ultimately I ended up babysitting them a lot when I was fifteen and sixteen. Ever since then I've just had such a longing to teach little kids all that they need to know to be able to grow, both physically and mentally. There is just such beauty in their innocence that I would love to just be surrounded by." As I explain, I can see her looking at me with approval.

"What made you want to pick our school to start your career at?" She asks with a focused glance.

"I saw your little school in this small town a few months ago while school was starting to come to an end. All of the kids looked so joyful, and there is smothering about a small elementary school in Colorado that just feels so homey." She asks a few more questions that seem a bit irrelevant to me, but I've never done this before, so how would I know?

"You seem like such an amazing young woman, y/n. I'll give you a call in about three days to inform you about the offer." She says as she begins to lead me out of the office. I shake her hand softly with a wide smile, feeling extremely confident.

"Thank you, Mrs. Norwhich." As I head to my car I immediately call Tom.

"How did you do?" He asks with so much excitement that I'm afraid a doctor would come in wondering why his heart rate was going up.

"I think it went really well! I'm on my way to come get you and I can give you all the details back at my place." We talk almost the whole way to the hospital and I honestly can't wait to see him out of that dreadful bed.
~ ~ ~
Teaching little kids music has always been something I've wanted to do, that's why I decided to make y/n love children! Just a little background for you guys ;)

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