Part 24

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"Okay try these on!" I head towards Tom's changing room with multiple hangers of shirts saying "Breckenridge, Colorado" across the front or back.

I go to try and reach up to the top of the door when he opens it instead, the shirt he was wearing earlier on the ground.

My face becomes completely red, my hands gripping onto the hangers with an even tighter grip. I can see Tom's cheeks grow flushed with pink as he reaches out his hand for the shirts.

I  rub a hand awkwardly behind my neck as I let out a small laugh. "When you get the first one on, you need to let me see!" I say excitedly as I try and ignore the fact that my new British boyfriend is standing in front of me without a shirt.

He lets out a chuckle as he hops on one leg to get further into the room, his cast hovering over to floor. "Will do." He states as he shuts the door.

"Is that Tom Holland?" I can hear the whispers of some of the young workers of the homey shop.

"Is that his girlfriend? The one in those pictures at the coffee shop? I didn't realize the café was the one here!" I could see their eyes land on me and I quickly look away with a sense of self-consciousness.

"How's this one, darling?" I turn to see Tom with a long sleeved light grey shirt with "Breckenridge" written in small letters in the corner.

"Darling! Did you hear that?" I can hear more whispers but they seem drowned out just by the sight of him.

"Here can you turn around? Don't hurt yourself!" Worry fills my voice as he hops around in a half circle to show "Colorado" written in bigger letters on the back.

"It's perfect! It looks amazing on you, love!" I say as I gently rub the soft fabric.

"Then I should probably get this one, huh?" He teases as he places a playful kiss on my lips, little giggles escaping us.

I can hear rustling around from the young girls at the register as they quietly squeal.

"Yeah maybe." I tease back as I try and ignore how much attention we were getting.

Tom backs into the room and comes out soon after, his crutches clicking. He grips the shirt tightly trying not to drop it while also trying to keep his crutches under his arms.

"Do you want me to carry it?" I ask and he shakes his head insistently.

"I can do it." He says with a small smile as I grab the rest of the clothes and place them on a rack, making our way towards the register.

"Did you find everything alright?" One of the girls asks, she looks about seventeen. The permanent smile on her face and blushing cheeks shows that she was one of the girls that was commenting earlier.

"Yes, thank you." Tom says, his accent catching the other girl's ear as she glances over. She scans the shirt and places it in a bag before handing it over to me.

"You wouldn't be able to take a photo would you?" She asks after a moment's hesitation. Tom gives a smile as he motions for her to come from around the counter, "not at all."

I reach out to take the phone to take the photo but she hands it to her friend and motions for me to join.

"Oh me too?" I ask in slight confusion.

"Of course! What's your name? I saw some photos of you but no one knows your name." She says, her excitement building as I join at her other side, wrapping my arm around her as Tom does the same.

"Oh, I'm y/n  y/l/n." I let out, my voice getting a shy tone.

"Are you from Colorado?" She asks before we would have to face the camera.

"Yeah I'm actually from Breckenridge." Her eyes widen as she exclaims her excitement for having me being from the same place as her.

Tom and I let out small laughs before we all face the camera.

"1, 2, 3!" The girl holding the phone says as we give our widest smiles. "Perfect!" She says as she puts the phone down, glancing at the photos. "Would I be able to get one as well?" She asks, her voice shy and timid.

We obviously took a photo with her too, but I am just confused as to why they wanted me in them. I try and shake it off.

Maybe they didn't want me to feel bad but would end up cropping me out of the photo when they post it.

"Thank you!" They both exclaim as I wave goodbye for both Tom and I while we leave the shop.

The sky is painted in light pinks and purples as the sun is beginning to set for the night.

"How about I take you out to dinner for a real date not in a hospital?" Tom proposes and I let out a small laugh before kissing his cheek gently.

"I would love that."
~ ~ ~
I loved writing this part! It's not that eventful but it just gave me all the feels.

Please let me know if you are enjoying the story so far by commenting and voting! It means so much more than you know <3

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