Part 22

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"Ok, ok, your turn!" I huff out through my laughter as I grip onto my empty coffee cup. My cheeks cool down after my embarrassing answer to his previous question.

"I get to ask you one now." I continue as he takes one last swig of his coffee with a smirk on his lips.

"Oh great." Tom rolls his eyes with a playful smile and I give him a nudge, a small giggle escaping me. "Fine, go ahead." He teases with a sigh.

"Alright, well what is your family like? I've seen your posts on Instagram, but what are they really like? Do you tell each other everything?" I await his answer with an eagerness behind my voice.

"We're all really close, especially my mum and I. She was the one I called first once I was able to move my arms again after the accident."

"My dad is really my biggest inspiration and my brothers and I always find so much fun in the dullest of situations. And don't even get me started on my dog, Tess, she's an angel." He gazes off as if he is seeing a distant memory play our right in front of him as his smile widens.

Tom shakes his head slightly before turning back to me. "What about you?" He asks and I give a small shrug of my shoulders.

"I'm really close with my mom. I tell her literally everything and she's the woman I get all of my advice from. My dad was always on business trips when I was little, but we're still fairly close. Sadly, my parents weren't able to have any children so I'm actually adopted."

"They've put all of their love on me because they had no children of their own to love. That also answers the question as to siblings, that I have none. But I have nothing to really complain about with how I grew up." Tom tilts his head slightly before placing a hand over mine.

"Have you ever felt the want to find your biological parents?" I look down at my feet for a moment as I think to myself if I would want to find my parents.

"Not really, no. I understand that what they did was for my benefit, that they loved me so much that they gave me the chance at a better life and at a life in general."

"Of course when I first found out, I was pretty upset and thought my whole life was a lie, but those thoughts only lasted about a week before I realized just how lucky I was to have my parents." Tom nodded his head, the shock that people usually had once I told them I was adopted was nowhere apparent on his face.

"That's really amazing. Life is a beautiful thing and you're placed where you are for a reason." His voice is so genuine and smooth that the weight of the value in his words is completely felt.

"You always know what to say, Thomas Stanley Holland." I say in almost a whisper, the mountain view behind us just a simple blur.

"Not always. When I'm around you, I'm speechless." My heart flutters as we seem to just get closer and closer until our foreheads meet.

"What do you do when you're speechless, Mr. Holland?" I ask with a teasing smile, our noses touching with a soft tickle of our skin.

"This, Miss y/l/n." He whispers before his soft lips meet mine with a tingling sensation.

It's like the world is spinning around us and nothing else matters but his lips on mine, his hands cupping my cheeks. I don't want this to end, but eventually we both hesitantly pull away from the other.

"I've wanted to do that for awhile now." He says as his smile reaches his ears.

I can't help but giggle as he pulls me into his arms and we look out upon the view. Everything is falling into place.
~ ~ ~
I'm so happy to finally share this part with you guys!

My heart is literally bursting that I chose to go with this storyline for this fanfic!

Please comment if you like where the story is heading and vote to show me as well! <3

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