Part 15

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"Come on, slow poke!" I urge on with a chuckle as Tom stumbles down the hall, trying to get used to using crutches.

"Excuse me, were you in a car accident?" He teases with a rising eyebrow. I playfully roll my eyes as I head towards the front desk to Dolly.

"It's going to be weird not seeing you coming around here everyday, y/n." She says with a small frown as she pulls out the final paper I have to sign to take Tom back to my place.

"We'll be back in about a week or so. Try not to miss me too much." I tease with a forced smile as I see Philip behind her checking some papers. His eyes lock with mine and it's like the wind from my lungs has just been sucked out.

"Are you living with this young lady until you heal?" Dolly inquires as she looks to Tom with an obvious smirk.

"Unfortunately." He lets out with a sigh, a smile playing on his lips. I snap back into reality as I nudge him gently.

"Oh, you-" His laughter sends back that familiar warmth in my heart of real happiness as I add my signature to the paper.

"See you soon and have fun, but be careful with Tom since he's still injured." Dolly says with a small chuckle, a smirk on her lips.

"I promise to not have him walking around town too much. Thanks, Dolly!" I give a wave of my hand as Tom and I begin to walk towards the front doors.

I take one last look at Philip who is clutching onto his papers with a look of sadness, but at the same time, fury.

I turn back to Tom who is smiling widely as he feels the sun on his face which sends a glow upon it that I haven't ever seen before.

As I help him get into my car, I realize just how lucky I am to have him in my life at this moment. Now, I wish we could have met under better circumstances, but at least he's healing and he's helping me heal in the process.

"What kind of music do you want to listen to?" I ask as I give him my phone so he can pick a playlist.

"Depressed Bath that really one of your playlists? It's filled with sad love songs!" He holds in his laughter and as we reach a red light, I snatch my phone back.

"If you're gonna judge, then I get aux." I threaten and he looks at me with pleading eyes.

"No, please, Miss! Don't be so cruel as to take away aux privileges from your humble servant!" He pleads as he enhances his British accent. I can't help but laugh as I hand him my phone yet again.

As silence fills the car again, I look at him to see his eyes glued on me and a small smile forms at the corners of his lips.

"What?" I ask with a nervous laugh as I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Smile more often, please. It suits you better than a frown." Right after he says this, he starts playing my "TGI Friday" playlist.

I'm left in my shock as we take another left towards my apartment. Why did he say that? I shake my head with a silent sigh. He was just being a good friend wanting the best for me. Right?
~ ~ ~
Those playlist names may or may not actually be on my phone...I will never tell

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