Part 7

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My eyes flicker open as I feel warmth by my side. I rub my eyes carefully as I look over to see Tom's chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm of sleep.

I can't help but smile at the peaceful sight of him, even with all of the wires and machines attached. Especially then.  The television is turned off and I wonder to myself of how I had fallen asleep and when.

                 *About an hour before, Tom's pov*

The small, sharp pain in my broken, left leg is almost nonexistent as I feel y/n's body next to mine. The tv is on quietly as I pay attention to what's going on in the show I've seen about three times already. I glance over to her as she's been quite quiet for the past fifteen minutes.

Her kind eyes are gently closed and her head is resting softly on my shoulder. I let out a small chuckle as I rest my hand on top of hers. Though we've just met, I know that if I had never gotten in that accident, I would've never met her and that would be one of my biggest regrets in life.

I carefully reach for the remote as to not wake her and not harm myself more than I already have. As I shut off the television, my own eyes begin to grow heavy.

I take a deep breath and close them, resting my head on top of hers with the utmost care. A small smile plays on my lips as I wish we could do this all the time, but sadly she sees Philip as so much more than how she sees me.

               *Back to real time, y/n's pov*

I look down as his hand is resting softly on top of mine, his heart rate monitor attached to his index finger. I take a deep sigh before resting my head back against the pillow and letting out a long sigh.

What am I doing? I've just met Tom and I already know that I'd never change me stopping at the accident for the world. He's one of the closest friends I've ever had, but maybe that's not saying much since I was pretty excluded all through my school years. Still, I've never been so close to someone in such a short amount of time.

I look over towards him with a small smile to see his peaceful and resting body as he seems to really be healing. He'll have to be in crutches for awhile after getting the okay to leave, but he was so brave about the whole situation and only looking on the bright side.

He still hasn't given me an answer about moving into my place for the remainder of his healing, but I don't need one until he is willing to give it. Maybe he doesn't feel as close to me as I do to him, and that's alright.

As much thinking as I'm doing, the minutes fly by and my decisions are made firm. I would stay here until the sun goes down, and I'd be by Tom's side as his friend for as long as I possibly could.
~ ~ ~
Sorry this chapter was so short! I'll try and write longer parts if you want!

Please continue to read, vote, and comment! <3

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