Part 19

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"Tom Holland spotted on date with mysterious girl after car accident recovery." Is the caption of most of the posts with many variations.

We both shake our heads as we look at the posts he's being tagged in. Luckily, no one has been able to find my Instagram so I've not been tagged in anything.

Honestly the comments make me laugh because of the girls claiming Tom is theirs although he's never met them.

"It doesn't matter since we know we're just friends." I point out l, even though for some reason saying those words makes me disappointed.

"Yeah, I just hope they don't find your Instagram. You didn't deserve this." Tom flops down on his back onto his bed as I still sit up on the edge.

I look at him with a sympathetic smile. I rub my hand on his arm softly before I lay down beside him.

"Nothing bad happened, Tom. If something did happen, it wouldn't have been your fault." I point out as I rest my head on his chest, his hand rubbing through my hair.

"I don't want you to get hurt because of me, even if it's just through words." He lets out a deep breath, causing my head to rise and fall with his chest.

I look up into his eyes and my heart begins to pound and I swear he can hear it. My cheeks grow red at the same time as his do and he places a hand on my cheek.

"You're so beautiful." He whispers, his chocolate brown eyes focused on me. I don't know what overcomes me as a tingle courses through my veins and I stretch my neck up towards him, my eyes darting back and forth from his eyes to his thin curved lips. He leans his head down, our foreheads beginning to touch just as we both pull away.

"Sorry." We say in unison as we shake our heads and I get up from the bed. "It was my fault." Again we talk at the same time.

We both break into laughter as there is no awkwardness although I almost just kissed my best friend. I wanted to kiss him, I really did, but I couldn't for some reason.

"That would've been weird." He said with a laugh, but I can hear disappointment in his voice.

"Yeah." I laugh along but let him know in my voice that I agreed with him. "It would be complicated." I say with a small shrug as I head towards the door. "Want some water?" I ask as I reach the door knob.

"Sure." He says with a small smile. As I close the door behind me, I sink to the ground and lean my head against it.

"I wanted to." I whisper to myself, not expecting anything else. I could hear rustling in his room and the quiet click of Tom's crutches.

*Tom's POV*

I place a hand against the door before resting my forehead against the door. I hear her voice in a hurt whisper, "I wanted to." My heart sinks as I wish I could just open this door, pick her up in my arms, and kiss her without any consequences.

She's right, it would be complicated. I place my lips towards the crack of the door, "So did I."
~ ~ ~
The tension is real guys! Hope you guys are enjoying where the story is going!

Thank you again so so SO much for reading, voting, and commenting!

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