Part 3

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"So, you're from Colorado?" Philip asks as we sit across from each other in the little coffee shop right next to the hospital.

"Born and raised. And you?" I ask as I take a small sip of my warm coffee, eyeing him over my cup.

"Actually, I'm from New York but I went to school here and loved it. That's why I stayed." He says with a hint of mischief as I learn something new about him.

"Do you know the patient back in room 103?" I ask as I think back to Tom and wondering if anyone was secretly fangirling.

"Tom Holland? Yeah I've seen a few of his movies." He says as a hint of disappointment enters his voice. I guess it wasn't the best choice to bring up another guy while I'm on, I guess, a date.

I awkwardly tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and as I look up again Philip is grabbing his things. "Oh, uhm I didn't mean to upset you. Just curiosity." I say in protest as I begin to stand up as he does.

He looks at me in confusion before letting out a soft chuckle, his blue eyes smiling. "You didn't, y/n. My break is almost over. I probably should've said that." He says as he shakes his head in disappointment of himself. I let out a sigh of relief as we fall into step with one another as we head back towards the hospital.

I ended up missing Philip's first break while I was talking to Tom so I had to wait until he would have a few minutes to talk. The sky is dark and the air is chilled from the mountain air.

"Are you staying the night?" Philip asks in curiosity, rubbing a hair through his blonde curls.

"I don't think so, I just want to let Tom know that I'll be back to check on him tomorrow." He nods his head and I can see a strange expression on his face at my casual talk of Tom Holland.

I drop my gaze to the sidewalk as we turn into the hospital. I don't know why I feel like I'm doing absolutely everything wrong with this guy. With Tom everything was so easy, but then again he isn't able to speak.

Why am I thinking about him again? I let out a mental sigh as I'm allowed back into Tom's room. I enter quietly in case he's sleeping and when I look over, he's moving his head carefully over to see who is walking in.

I give a small wave before heading over to the chair beside his bed. "Did you get a chance to sleep?" I ask and when his eyebrows raise and a smile forms from underneath his oxygen mask, I grab his hand in mine, a new routine of ours.

I guess Tom just likes feeling that comfort of knowing someone is actually there and not just his imagination. It must be terrifying not knowing anyone and being in this situation.

"Well that's good. I want you to get a lot more so maybe you can get out of that mask early, okay?" A small chuckle escapes his covered lips and he gives my hand a small squeeze with all the strength as he has. "I'll be back tomorrow to check in."

He reaches his hand up from mine, pushing a piece of hair away from my face with a concentrated look. He rubs his hands over a little mark on my cheek. His eyes go from the scar and back to me as I try to keep my tears in. "It's just a silly scar." I lie as I put my hand on top of his.

Since he can't speak, most of our interactions have to be physical touch. "You'll have many more scars than me anyway, which isn't a bad thing. I think it'll make you look quite bad ass." He lets out a small laugh but keeps his hand over the scar.

He takes a deep breath before opening his mouth and one muffled word is let out, his voice scratchy from not being used. "Story." He says and I shake my head, putting his hand down.

"Maybe another time. And no speaking until you get the okay, your lungs got pretty messed up from the impact." He lets out a sigh before raising his gaze to the ceiling.

"Goodnight, Tom." I say as I get up to leave. He places two of his scratched fingers against the oxygen mask before placing them on top of my hand. His own little way of kissing my hand in gratitude for the little I had done for him. I give him a smile before leaving the room with a permanent smile on my face.
~ ~ ~
Hey everyone! I'm editing this story now to be more easy to read for you guys!

Hope you enjoy!

Thank you for the reads, votes, and comments!

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