Part 30

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The last week and a half have been nothing short of a dream.

The life I had before was more boring than I had ever even thought of. Now, with Tom adding his color into it, I have so much more to do and look forward to.

Whenever I go to the store and I come back, he always wants to hug me and kiss me like I have been gone for a week but had only been gone for relatively an hour.

I got to kind of meet his friend Harrison over a FaceTime call, same with his family and they are all so unbelievably kind.

Tom even got to meet my parents and of course my dad had to make a comment about him being famous.

My mom took out the old embarrassing pictures of me in my baby album and showed the official birth certificate after they adopted me.

Over dinner, my dad proceeded to make awful jokes as my mom tried to learn more about Tom's family and what he wants to do in the future.

Last week was filled with events that I'll never forget and I never wish to. Seeing the charming sparkle in Tom's eyes as he met my parents and the smile of pride on his face as I got to meet his was by far one of the most beautiful things I've witnessed.

Now as I cling onto his hand as I drive to the place we first met, I can't help but feel nervous. Tom has been in his cast for about three weeks and it's time to check and see if he is able to get his cast off.

Don't get me wrong, I want him to get better as soon as he can and for him to be in no more pain, but at the same time, I'm not ready for him to leave yet.

The car stays silent as we hold onto each other, music playing quietly but I can't even hear it over my thoughts.

I pull into a parking spot not too far away from the lobby so Tom wouldn't have to walk as much as he has had to with our little walks around town.

I go to reach for the my door handle, but his arm reaches across the car to grab my wrist gently before pulling me closer to him.

"Whatever happens, know that I will never abandon you." Tom's voice is stern yet soft as desperation and pleading seeps through his words.

I stare into his eyes wondering what my life would have looked like if that car crash hadn't happened, if I hadn't stopped on the road, if I hadn't followed him to the hospital, if I never spoke to him, if he never became my best friend, if he never became the love of my life.

A lot can change in four weeks. You can have one plan that has been your goal for as long as you can remember and then in a split second all of those plans can change into something that God planed for you which was something I was told during Church the Sunday after the accident. I wouldn't change anything if I could.

My life is a beautiful view with little bumps in the road and hills through the fields, even mountains, but my home is still my home and my life is still my life and everything will fall back into place and those little bumps and hills just make the picture even more beautiful.

"And I'll never abandon you." I place a soft kiss on his forehead, swallowing to stop myself from crying.

A smile spreads across his face as we get out of the car and head towards the lobby, Dolly's face lighting up at the sight of us.

"Well if it isn't the little trouble makers. My daughter showed me pictures of you two on that Instagram thing. Let me just say that I called it." Dolly lets out a warm hearted laugh, her bright eyes squinting.

I look over to see Tom smiling at me with rose colored cheeks, causing my own face to grow red with emotion.

"We're here for Tom's checkup." I explain as we walk closer to the desk, the quiet sound of Tom's crutches clicking on the ground follow behind me.

"Yep, you're old room is actually open, Tom. Room 103, you know where it is. The doctor will be in shortly." Dolly explains and I find myself looking behind her to see if he's here, my heart heavy with resentment.

"Darling?" I feel a soft kiss being planted on my cheek and I look over to see Tom watching me with concerned eyes. "You ready?"

I snap out of it and put a smile on my face, "so ready." I turn away from the last spot I saw Philip and toss one of Tom's curls out of his eyes.

Once we get into Tom's old room, I can see the slight change in his demeanor. He looks weighed down by all that's happened in this room, even more memories of the accident here than when he first got into a car after leaving the hospital.

"Hey, let's sit down okay?" I suggest as I lead him towards the bed and we hop up. I sit on the edge just like I used to do, but instead of lying down, Tom sits right next to me.

After a few minutes, the doctor comes in holding a clipboard. I'll spare the details of the appointment because I'm not a doctor and everything that happens is kind of a blur.

"Alright. We can get you into a boot today and since you'll be going back home while in the boot, please keep the boot on for at least four weeks and then see if you can put weight on your foot and start going to physical therapy. Whenever you start to get a tired feeling or soreness and especially pain in your leg, go back to the boot." My heart is torn between excitement and sadness, but the excitement weighs out all else.

I wrap my arms around Tom's neck with a smile. "I knew you would be able to heal quickly." I say as I curl my head into his shoulder.

He pulls me closer to him with one arm before we both pull away. "I guess I'll have to call my parents, huh?" There is a sort of disappointment in his voice and I look at him with a warm expression.

"I can't wait to meet them."
~ ~ ~
I can't believe I've gotten to almost 700 so quickly! Thank you all so much!

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