Part 10

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I check my phone anxiously as Philip is already ten minutes late. "He's probably just stuck in traffic." I try to convince myself as I fidget on my couch.

"Wouldn't he text me if he was running late, though?" My thoughts continue to run wild as I open my phone to see if he had maybe texted me and I just didn't see it.

Nothing. I begin to pace back and forth in my small living room before looking into the full body mirror.

My reflection shows a girl who really likes this boy and is just paranoid at every little thing because of her past.

"No, Philip isn't like James." I say to myself, shaking my head as I look to where that little scar would be if I hadn't covered it in makeup. I hold my arms around myself in my big sweater, I'm in a bit warmer clothes since we're planning on going ice skating.

As another twenty minutes go by, I try calling Philip and he doesn't answer. "Hey, Philip. I don't know if you're stuck in traffic or just running a bit late, but it might just be easier to meet at the ice skating rink so I'll see you there. I can't wait to see you." With that I end the voice mail with a heavy heart.

I place a shaking hand on my door knob before hesitantly walking towards the parking lot.

I don't even bother putting on music as my main focus is to just reassure myself that Philip wasn't standing me up, I needed to see him as soon as possible.

As I pull up the rink, I see his car and a wave of relief floods over me. I gather my small purse with a wide smile and make my way towards the paying area of the indoor rink. I see his back to me and I practically run up to him. "Philip!" I begin, but cut short when I see his lips pressed tightly onto someone else's.

My heart sinks and I'm suddenly numb as tears silently flood down my cheeks. They pull away as I stare at the scene. The girl looks at me with a confused look.

"You really thought you could bring another girl here without me finding out? The same time we were supposed to?" I say as my voice cracks with broken emotion.

"Y/n, I-I thought that was tomorrow." He begins to walk towards me, but I back away, always a step farther. "I can explain." I can't hear or see any truth in his voice or his face.

It's as if the man I had grown to like with so much passion, was just a player like the rest. Instead of seeing Philip, I saw James. They're just the same, exactly like I had suspected.

He tries to reach for my wrist, but I pull away quickly. Without even thinking, my hand swipes his cheek in a loud slap. Tears continue to flow down with uncontrollable force.

"You're just like the rest! There was nothing special about you!" I scream at him as all I want to do is hide away in fetal position in complete darkness. I turn around, his stunned face out of view as a hand was pressed against his cheek.

"Y/n!" He tries to call after me, but I'm racing out the door towards my car as I can barely see through the tears. I don't want to go home, I don't want to stay here, I don't know where to go.

I curl into myself in the driver's seat with a tear spotted sweater, mascara and eyeliner forming crooked lines on my cheeks.

There is only one place I want to be right now and that's by Tom's side. Everything is a blur as I drive as fast as I can towards the hospital.

As I rush into the lobby, I don't even say hello to Dolly or even look at her. I shoot down the hallway towards room 103.

I open and close the door behind me so quickly that Tom almost jumps. As he looks into my watery eyes, his face goes straight and I climb into the small space next to him in his hospital bed.

He holds me close to him, his arm keeping my face in his shoulder with comfort. "What did that bastard do to you?"
~ ~ ~
For you Philip shippers, shame on you! Jk, but seriously xD

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