Hot Topic

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Author here! I want to apologize first hand to anyone who reads this story, I was 15/16 when I wrote this, so the writing is bad, the plot line is weird and just... bad. I apologize for any cringiness, it's been 5-6 years since I wrote this story and I personally don't have the energy or time to go through and edit anything not factual or anything like that. Regardless, I hope you enjoy the story, if not the story, at least enjoy the dumpster fire.

Brynn's Pov


"Brynn! You promised!" My little sister, Katie whined. She's my fourteen year old sister and she wants me to take her to the mall, so she can go to Hot Topic to spend her birthday money. But I have three other younger siblings to babysit.

"I have to babysit our little brothers, Katelynn!" I said sternly. I've basically raised the four of them, our mom is in and out of the hospital for cancer, my real dad isn't the picture and my step dad, their real dad died, after our youngest sibling, Kyler who is six was born. He died in combat in Afghanistan.

"Jakey is twelve! He can watch Mark and Kyler!" She whined.

"Fine, but no complaining!" I said.

I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Brynn Stevens, I'm twenty-five. I've been raising my younger siblings, due to our mother being in and out of the hospital for chemotherapy treatments.

I've been pregnant once, but the baby's dad took him away because I was on drugs at the time he was born and I get no rights to see him. He's six now. His name was Jason.

I used to heavily do drugs, any drug I could get my hands on were my favorite. I've been clean since I was twenty but I still have urges every now and then.

I still smoke cigarettes but I will never do drugs again.

Anyway, we're at the mall now. Wow, me introducing myself took five minutes.

"Off to Hot Topic!" Katie said, grabbing my hand and dragged me to Hot Topic, which wasn't far from the entrance of the mall.

We got to Hot Topic, we went off to our separate corners of the store, she looked at the band merch for newer bands while I looked at the band merch for the older bands, well, the only newer band on the older band wall was HIM but they've been around for a while. I needed a new shirt from them.

I went to place my hand onto the pile of shirts to find my size when my hand landed onto someone else's, I automatically started blushing.

I looked up to see a male's face. I was only two inches shorter than him, he was wearing all black. He looks like one of the guys that Katie obsesses over. He had medium length black hair and was wearing black makeup, he had pretty grey eyes too.

"You like HIM too?" He asked, sounding shocked that I like HIM.

"Yessiree" I said.

"Cool, I'm Ricky" he said.

"I'm Brynn" I said.

"Well, Brynn, you seem pretty cool, I don't know many chicks around here who like HIM. You wanna talk sometime?" He asked.

"Sure, here's my number. It might be hard for me to find time to hang out with you since, I take care of my four younger siblings" I said as I handed him my phone. He punched his number into it and handed it back.

"Well, call me when you find time to hang out or you can text me whenever, I don't do much" he said.

I think I just made a friend.

Hot Topic Boy (Ricky Horror) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now