Good News and Bad News

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Brynn's Pov

Mid October


"I'm so fucking excited!" Ricky said loudly, earning him dirty looks from the other pregnant mothers.

"Calm down Ricky, I know you're excited" I said.

"I hope we have a baby gi-" he said before a nurse called my name.

"Brynn Stevens!" The nursecalled. Ricky and I got up and followed her.

She weighed me, took my height, and my vitals and asked me the common sense questions.

She led me to ultrasound room, I got on the table pulled up my shirt, Ricky sat in the chair next to the bed and held my hand

"The tech should be with you soon to do your ultrasound" the nurse stated before leaving the room.


The ultrasound tech came in fifteen minutes later.

"Hello Ms. Stevens" the tech greeted.

"Hello" I replied, quietly.

"Today is the day that we find out the sex of the baby right?" Ricky asked.

"Yes sir" she replied.

The tech put the cold gel on my belly and started to slide the wand around. She pressed down in multiple places, which was uncomfortable and turned the screen away from us after a couple minutes and got extremely quiet.

She handed me paper towels and printed off the pictures and handed them to Ricky before promptly leaving the room.

I cleaned myself up and got up from the table.

The nurse came in and got me and led me to a room, she left as soon as we got into the room. Nobody has said a word to us and it's kind of worrying.

After a few moments, my doctor came in. I wasn't expecting to see her today, since I was only having an ultrasound.

"I have good news and bad news, which do you want first?" My doctor asked, getting straight to the point.

"What's the bad news?" I asked.

"You don't have a lot of fluid surrounding your baby, which can cause a lot of issues. The issues being that the baby won't have adequate lung development from not being able to do their practice breaths, you can go into preterm labor, your baby can be born with physical deformities due to the limited space and compression from the womb, and your baby can measure way smaller than normal due to not having an adequate amount of fluid surrounding them" she explained. Wow. That's a lot to take in. I took a deep breath, trying to hold myself together.

"What's the good news?" Ricky asked, holding back from crying.

"You two are going to be having a little girl" she told us.

"Okay, thank you" I told her

"You're welcome, I'm sorry that your daughter isn't isn't doing too well. Because of your condition, your pregnancy is now considered high risk, you will need to come in twice a week for something called a non-stress test, which we'll be monitoring the baby's heartrate and your contractions to make sure you both are okay. Also, because of this condition, you will need to be induced at thirty-six weeks to have the baby because the sooner we deliver, the better off the baby will be" she told us. We nodded and left.

We got out to the parking lot and got into my car and started crying.

"Our baby is going to have a horrible life" I cried.

"No she isn't, we'll give her the best damn life that we can give her" he assured me.

"She's going to be sick her whole life Ricky, she's going to have birth defects, she's never going to be a normal kid" I replied.

"We'll try to keep her as healthy as possible Brynn, we'll give her all the love that we can give her, she'll be alright" he insisted.

"What did she do to deserve this?" I asked.

"Nothing babe, it's life, it happens everyday" he sighed.

"Why is life so cruel to those who don't deserve it?" I asked.

"I don't know Brynn, let's just go home and do something to get our minds off of this. Like think of names for her" he suggested. I nodded and started up the car.

I feel so bad for my daughter...

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