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Brynn's POV

Christmas day


Nothing's been the same since Sam tried to take my Jason from me. Sam is trying to take me to court for kidnap even though I'm his mother and I treat him right. I filled out the paperwork when I got Jason stating that I am his mother and I do have sole custody of Jason.

Ricky wants to go ahead and change Jason's last name to Olson so that Ricky is legally Jason's father, but, you have to have consent from the biological father before you change the last name. So I doubt that Jason's last name will ever change because Sam is a prick. But, we'll do everything we can to make Jason actually Ricky's child.

"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up! Santa came!" Jason shouted in joy and excitement, hopping at the foot of mine and Ricky's bed. Ricky groggily sat up and got out of bed. I did the same. We followed Jason out to the living room, I went over to the wall and handed Jason his stocking. He dumped out the stocking and sorted out the candy. He ate a piece and ran over to the Christmas tree.

I made sure I put the present that he wanted the most to the back of the tree.

Ricky handed him the closest present. Jason has this thing for Spiderman, so we got him a lot of Spiderman toys.


Jason opened all of his presents, the big present was a spiderman bike. Now, Jason is out in the backyard riding his new bike.

"Babe, time to open up our presents to each other" Ricky said.

I got Ricky all of HIM's and AFI's albums and a couple t-shirts. I think he'll like it since those are his top favorite bands.

"Who goes first?" He asked. I handed him my present to him. He opened it, his eyes widened in shock.

"Your present blows mine out of the ball park" he said.

"What's mine?" I asked. He handed me an envelope which had a card in it. I opened up the card and it had two tickets to see HIM on the 31th of December. The card said;

Hey Brynn,

Merry Christmas, glad you've been in my life for over a year. You and Jason are my world, we've been through so much in our relationship. I was thinking that we go off and elope the day of the concert, which is on New Years Eve, we leave Jason with your mom and go out to Pittsburgh, do our wedding, go to the concert, then maybe get the paperwork for a couple days later to change Jason's last name. I don't care if his real dad fights, I'm more of a father than he is. Anyways before I try to go on a rant, I love you baby, Merry Christmas


I looked up at Ricky and kissed him.

Best Christmas ever.

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