Be Mine-ish?

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Brynn's Pov


"Well, maybe, we can be like, friends with benefits" Ricky suggested.

Really, Richard? That's slutty.

"Well, I don't wanna be slutty" I said.

"You won't be slutty in my eyes. We don't have to fuck, we can just hug, cuddle, hold hands and kiss, but we won't be together" he said.

"I don't know, Ricky, I don't want you to hurt me" I said.

"I won't intentionally hurt you, Brynn. If you don't want this, I understand" he said.

"Can we wait a little bit longer before we start doing this type of stuff? I don't want us to fight and stuff because we barely know each other and rushed things" I told him.

"Okay, thank you for being honest with me. Sorry about us doing the thing" he said.

"No problem, and don't be sorry, I needed to relieve my sexual frustration, today was the first time since the night I got pregnant with my son since I've had sex" I told him.

"Today was the first time in almost a year that I've had sex" he said.

"Wah... Try living six or seven years without sex" I said as I merged onto the exit lane to get to Burger King.

"I wouldn't be able to and how'd you go so long without sex?" He asked.

"I don't know, I haven't talked to any guys that weren't my family members until I met you, and my family comes before sex, they're my first priority" I said.

"Understandable, but I don't understand why you don't have guys flocking to you, you're an amazing person. Anybody would be lucky to have you" he said as we pulled into the Burger King parking lot.

"It doesn't really matter to me and I'm really not amazing" I told him as I turned off the car.

"Don't say that, you are amazing" he said as we got out. We met each other at the front of the car.

"No, I'm not" I said.

"Just take the damn compliment" he said.

"No-" I said before his lips lightly brushed against mine.

"Now, let's get some food" he said as he took my hand in his.

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