Uh Oh...

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Brynn's Pov

Scranton's Warped Tour Date

Sorry if the smut in the last chapter was disturbing and/or poorly written


"Jason Alexander Tressy! Quit running in the parking lot!" I shouted at Jason as a car honked at us.

"But I wanna see daddy!" He whined. He's been like this all morning.

"We'll see him in a minute" I told him as I scooped the six year old into my arms. Today is gonna kill me, I've been nauseous for a couple weeks and I think it's the heat or I haven't been drinking enough water.

Jason and I had passes to get to the busses. We got to the ticket booth and showed the guy our tickets and ran to the Motionless in White merch booth.

Not a whole lot of people were here yet, so the guys were sitting at the merch booth.

"There's my favorite six year old!" I heard Balz say.

"Balz!" Jason yelled, jumping out of my arms and onto Balz's lap.

"Do any of y'all have a bottle of water?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" A red-headed girl asked, she was in Chris's lap. She must be his girlfriend.

"I sucked down my bottle of water on the way here and I'm not gonna deprive my son of water. I've only been drinking so much water because I've been nauseous" I said.

"Well, here, just let me know if you need more water and I'll tell you where to go or Sabrina will" Ricky said.

"Thanks, babe" I said, giving him a kiss.

"No problem" he replied.

"Daddy, can we walk around?" Jason asked.

"Sure buddy, you want to walk with us, Brynn?" Ricky asked.

"No, I honestly don't feel good, I think I'm gonna sit do-" I said before darkness overcame me and I fell to ground.


Ricky's Pov


"Fuck! I think she passed out from heat exhaustion!" I said.

"Should we take her to the medical tent?" Chris asked.

"No, we leave her in the middle of the dirt where she'll get stomped on by excited fourteen year olds" I said sarcastically as I picked her up.

"Mommy's tummy hasn't been feeling very good for a few weeks!" Jason said.

"Hold up! I'm coming with, Balz, watch the boy! I have an idea on why she's been sick!" Sabrina said as she sprang up from her seat.

Sabrina, Chris and I rushed Brynn to the medical tent. They laid her down and got out a bottle of water for her to drink when she wakes up.


Brynn eventually woke up. She downed the bottle of water that was waiting for her.

"It looks like you're dehydrated" the medical person said.

"Ricky, head back to the merch booth, I'm gonna take Brynn to the bus where it's air conditioned" Sabrina said. I nodded and began to walk back to the merch booth.


Brynn's Pov


"How come I need to sit in the AC?" I asked as Sabrina helped me up.

"Because you passed out from heat exhaustion and you're dehydrated, and I have an idea on why you've been nauseous" she said.

"I know why too, it's because I haven't been getting enough water" I told her as we approached the Motionless in White bus.

"No, I think you might be pregnant" she said. I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at her.

"I can't be" I chuckled in denial.

"When was the last time you and Ricky had sex?" She asked.

"The night before that week and a half long tour that was before Warped" I said.

"Well, I have a test you can use" she said as she unlocked the bus. We walked in and we walked to the bunk area and she began digging through her bunk and handed me a box.

"Are you always prepared?" I asked.

"No, I had a scare a couple tours ago and bought two tests but the first one I took was negative, so, I didn't bother taking the second test, now, go take that test, results will appear five minutes after. One line means negative, two means positive" she said. I walked into the bathroom and took the test.

-roughly about five or ten minutes later-

I stared at the test blankly. Ricky didn't want to bring a child into this world, he doesn't it to be born in a world that's so cruel. I can't get an abortion, I wouldn't be able to go through with it. I don't wanna ruin Ricky's career. I can't give it up for adoption, I don't want the baby to think that I didn't love it.

I guess I'll have to talk to Ricky about it.

"Brynn! You okay in there?" Sabrina asked.

"Define okay" I asked.

"Open up" she demanded. I obeyed and opened the door.

"Positive?" She asked. I nodded and broke down, she pulled me into a hug and I cried into her shoulder.

"How am I going to tell Ricky? He didn't want to bring a child into this world!" I cried.

"Just tell him, I'm sure he'll be happy. It might shock him at first but he'll come around to the idea of having his own little one" she said.

"It's easier said than done. I'm afraid that he'll leave me, I don't want him to get mad and take off with Jason or take off with the baby too" I said.

"Ricky isn't like that. He'll be there for you, now go talk to him, there's twenty minutes left before their show" she assured me.

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