Sadie Marie Olson

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Brynn's POV

October 13, 2016 (nine months pregnant)

These last couple months have been hell, between braxton hicks contractions and another wave of morning sickness, I don't know which one's worse.

Well today, Ricky, Jason and I are getting pumpkins for Halloween.

Well, anyway... We're already at the pumpkin patch.

"Mommy! I want this one!" Jason shouted, hugging the biggest pumpkin he could find. This pumpkin was about the size of him if not bigger.

"Jason, that's an awesome pumpkin and all but pick something that you can carr- Ricky our pumpkin is ready to be picked" I stated. It looks like I fucking pissed myself, but I didn't, my water just broke.

"What does that even mean?" Ricky asked.

"Sadie wants out and she's choosing now to walk out of my womb" I told him.

"Oh fuck! Jason! Come on! We need to get mommy to the hospital!" Ricky said, grabbing mine and Jason's hands and running as fast as we could out of the pumpkin patch.

"But why? I wanted a pumpkin!" Jason whined, yanking his hand out Ricky's grasp.

"Well, you're getting a baby sister instead" I said as we got into the car.

"A pumpkin is better!" He whined.

"Jason, we'll get you a pumpkin soon! Mommy needs this baby out now!" I told him as Ricky pulled out of the parking space. Pulling out is something that he should have done when we got married...

"But I want the pumpkin now!" He said, starting to cry.

"Dammit Jason! Calm the fuck down! Your mother is about to have your little sister and all you fucking care about is a damn pumpkin! We'll get you a pumpkin before Halloween!" Ricky shouted at Jason, which made Jason cry more.

"Would you all shut up! Ricky, would you just drive and quit yelling at Jason! Jason, calm the hell down!" I snapped.

"We're almost at the damn hospital" Ricky stated.


We got to the hospital, Ricky is signing me in.

"Sir, we can't have children under twelve in the maternity ward" the receptionist said.

"I'm sorry, but we couldn't just leave our seven year old son home alone or drop him off at her mom's on the way. Her being in labor is more important than dropping our son off" Ricky spoke as I got put into a wheelchair and got hospital bracelets put on me.

"As I said sir, we can't have children under twelve in the maternity ward, you need to call somebody to come and get him" she said.

"Is there a supervisor I can speak to?" Ricky asked.

"I am the supervisor" she said.

"Richard, just call Balz or Ryan-Ashley, they live a- OW! a block away and OW!" I said as the contractions got closer together.

"Fine! I'll call Balz!" He said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He dialed his number and started talking.

"Hey Balz, can I ask you something?... Well, Brynn went into labor-... Would you let me finish?... Well, Brynn went into labor at the pumpkin patch and we're at the hospital now, and the bitchy receptionist slash supervisor won't let Jason anyway near the maternity ward even though he's Brynn's child and hospitals normally let the patient's children back there, well please get him... Okay, thanks, bye" he said before hanging up.

"Balz and Ryan-Ashley will be here in about five minutes and Ryan-Ashley will stay here with you while I go get your mom" He said as the nurse began to wheel me into the maternity ward.

"Love you Brynn! Try not to have the baby while I'm gone!" He told me.

"Honey, how far apart are your contractions? And you only need to take off shoes, socks, jeans and underwear" The nurse asked as she handed me a gown. I got behind the curtain and got dressed.

"About thirty seconds- OW!" I said.

"Have you ever had any Cesarean sections with any of your past pregnancies?" She asked.

"Yes, with my last pregnancy" I said.

"Well, then there's a possibility that you'll have to have another C-Section" she said as she sat me down onto the bed, hooking me up to the IV's and stuff.

"Brynn! You better let me hold Sadie when she's born!" The familiar voice of Ryan-Ashley said.

"Us too!" I heard Devin and Kylie chime in.

"You will all be able to hold my daughter, but just know that- OW MOTHERFUCKER! but just know that Ricky, my mom and I get to hold her first" I stated.

"Future babysitter coming through!" I heard Allie say as her and Ryan walked in.

"Now all we need is Balz, Vinny- OW! And Chris and Sabrina, and my mom and Ricky and it'll be a party" I said.

"Balz said he'll come over to see Sadie because apparently hospitals give him the heebie jeebies and he refuses to go into them unless he really has to" Ryan- Ashley said as a doctor walked in.

"Mrs. Olson, I need to see how many centimeters you're dilated" the doctor said. I propped my feet up on the foot rests so that the doctor could do her thing.

"You are four centimeters dilated" she said. I groaned.

"I just want her out of me..." I whined.

"Do you want an epidural to alleviate the pain?" She asked.

"Please?" I asked.

"Let me get the anesthesiologist" she said.

"When is Ricky supposed to get here?" I asked.

"He just texted me, telling me that he's on his way back with your mom" Devin said.

"Just a fair warning to you girls, don't have kids, it hurts and you'll say some pretty hurtful things to your boyfriend or husband" I said.

"Point taken" the girls said as Ricky, Chris, Sabrina and my mom walked in.

"Four centimeters dilated" I said.

"Sit up, so I can do the epidural" the anesthesiologist ordered. She walked over and began to do her thing.

-six hours later-

I am now ten centimeters dilated and the epidural isn't really doing anything, I'm still feeling pain but I'm afraid to say anything.

"Brynn, it's time to push, push for ten seconds and stop and do it again" the doctor said. I did as she said and it hurt like a motherfucker.


"I see the head!" The doctor yelled.


"Brynn, if you push again we'll be able to pull the baby out" she said. I pushed once more and I heard ear piercing cries a few seconds after I stopped pushing.

"It's a girl!" She yelled as the nurses wrapped Sadie up in a blanket. After they got her cleaned up, they handed her to Ricky and he started crying.

"Sh-she's beautiful Brynn!" Ricky said, looking at our newborn daughter. He handed her to me. I held my little Sadie in my arms. She had the most gorgeous blue eyes and was a perfect mixture of Ricky and I. She was perfect in general. Ricky and I made a perfect baby girl.

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