Kindergarten Graduation

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Brynn's Pov

Two weeks later


Two weeks have passed, Ricky has to leave for tour tomorrow. He made sure that he didn't have to leave until tomorrow, so, that he could be at Jason's kindergarten graduation. This tour is about a week and a half long, then he's home for a week or two before he goes on Warped Tour. So, he might not be home for Jason's first day of school.

"Babe, you ready to go?" Ricky asked as he straightened his last piece of hair.

"Yeah, do you want to sign Jason out of school after the graduation?" I asked.

"Sure, today's the last day that we'll be able to hang out as a family. I wanna bring him on tour but our tour manager said 'no' because nobody will be there to watch him during shows and there isn't room on the bus for him to have his own bunk" he said as I grabbed my car keys.

"It'll be okay, we'll Skype everyday, like we normally do" I assured him.

"You wanna stop by to grab your mom, so, she can go to the graduation too?" He asked as we got into my car.

"She's at Mark's fifth grade graduation today and then she'll be at Katie's eighth grade graduation" I said.

"Damn, two kids graduating?" He asked as we drove onto the main road.

"Yep, it's crazy, it feels like only yesterday, I was changing their diapers" I said.

"Now, your little sister is gonna be fresh meat- I mean a freshman and your little brother is gonna be a sixth grader" he said.

"Yep! I don't have to worry about Katie, since she's involved with a bunch of the boys at the high school and she's mature for her age, Mark, on the other hand, he's terrified of the dark and still takes bubble baths and has me cut the crust off of his sandwiches" I said as I pulled into the packed parking lot of Jason's school.

"Do you think we'll have to park in that grass patch over there?" He asked.

"No, but I think I'm just gonna save time and park there anyways" I said as I stomped on the gas and drove into the grass.

We got out of the car and went into the school. We had to get visitor's passes from the office in order to be at the graduation.

When we got passes, we went into the cafeteria, where the kindergarten graduation was being held.

We got a lot of strange looks from the soccer mom's and the dad's that haven't ditched their kids or were able to attend the graduation. I mean Ricky and I are pretty strange parents. Ricky has sleeves of tattoos, long hair, piercings and wears makeup. I have the side of my head shaved, I have half inch tunnels in my ears and piercings, and a half sleeve.

Ricky and I eventually found seats in the front. We sat next to a nice couple who weren't closed minded. None of the soccer moms or any of the dad's that were able to attend would let us sit anywhere near them. A soccer mom said and I quote 'I don't want your kind anywhere near me or my daughter. I feel bad for your child, he or she is going to be a freak just like you two'. Ricky wouldn't let me bitch slap her.

Jason's class is first, but, Jason is at the very back of the line because his last name is Tressy and it's in alphabetical order.

Jason waved at us, excitedly.

"HI MOMMY! HI DADDY!" We heard Jason's voice scream.

"Is that your guys' kid, right there?" The lady that let us sit next to her and her husband asked.

"Yep!" I told her.

"Looks like our kids are standing next to each other" she said.

"That's cool, I'm Brynn and that's my boyfriend Ricky" I introduced.

"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Trisha and that's my husband, Carter" she told us.

"You guys nervous?" I asked.

"No, we have three other kids that have already gotten out of Kindergarten. Are you guys nervous?" She asked.

"Not really, because I've had to take my little brother to his kindergarten graduation and watch him graduate and take him to his first day of school and all that. I only have one kid and he's graduating today" I told her.

"You look awfully young to already have children" she said.

"I'm twenty-five almost twenty-six, my son turns seven in October" I told her.

"I'm sorry if I came across as rude, you just look young, well, you are young. How old is your boyfriend?" She asked.

"He's twenty-six almost twenty-seven. He's not my son's real dad but he sees my son as hi-" I said before somebody talking on the microphone cut me off.

"Welcome to this years kindergarten graduation for the 2014-2015 class. I would like to bring Ms. Allen's class up and let Ms. Allen call up her students. All I would like to say is, please don't talk during this assembly" the principal said.

Ms. Allen, Jason's teacher came up to the podium and smiled at us.

"Hello, everybody, today, your little lions aren't cubs, anymore, they'll be full grown lions and will be going off to the big world of first grade" she said.


Twenty-three kids in the class have been announced and there is still one more- That one last kid is Jason.

"The final student in my class is Jason Tressy, please come up here, Jason!" Ms. Allen said. He waved at Ricky and I and walked on stage to Ms. Allen to get the big orange envelope. I'm guessing it's his kindergarten graduation certificate and stuff like that.

Jason got the envelope and hugged Ms. Allen. He walked off stage and ran to Ricky and I.

Then, the next teacher came up to the podium. Ricky and I got up. Ricky kneeled down, so, that he could give Jason a piggy back ride. We walked out of the cafeteria and to the front office.

I signed Jason out of school.

"Have a safe summer!" The secretary said.

"You too!" I replied as we walked out the door into the heat of the outside.

"Daddy, can you put me down? I wanna give mommy a hug" Jason asked. Ricky nodded and put him down. Jason ran over to me and hugged me.

"You hungry, buddy?" Ricky asked. Jason nodded furiously.

"What do you want for lunch?" I asked.

"Food!" Jason said as we got into the car. I started it up and backed out.

"Be more specific" Ricky said.

"A cheese burger- no- yeah- no- okay I want a cheese burger" Jason said. He's mastered the art of indecisiveness.

"You wanna go to aunt Karly's diner?" I asked.

"Sure" he shrugged. Jason's adorable, aunt Karly likes to pinch his cheeks and he doesn't like it, but, he likes the food at her restaurant, so, he deals with it.

We drove to the diner.

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