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Brynn's Pov


"Let's go find baby and baby daddy" Ricky said as he got into my car. He cracked his window and hung his cigarette out of the window.

"What did your mom want to talk to you about?" I asked as I set the GPS.

"She tried to tell me that I couldn't be friends with you and that you were using me" he said. Ouch.

"You know, I wouldn't use you, right?" I asked.

"Of course and you just ran a red light" he said.

"Whatever, I didn't get caught" I shrugged as I turned right.

"There were cameras at that intersection" he said.

"Oh well" I shrugged. As I turned again.

"You simply just don't give a fuck, do you?" He asked.

"I do give a fuck, just not over stupid ass things like that" I said as I pulled into a driveway.

"Anyway, we're here" I said. The house looked trashy as hell, the front yard was unkept and overgrown, the roof was missing shingles and the wood looked dry rotted. It just looked like straight shit.

Ricky and I walked to the door and rang the doorbell.

A chorus of barking dogs erupted.

"GODDAMMIT! YOU STUPID DAMN MUTTS NEED TO MOVE! JASON GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE DOOR AND GO TO YOUR ROOM!" I heard Sam's familiar voice scream. A few seconds later he answered the door.

"What the fuck do you want?" He asked, he was clearly drunk.

"Sam, it's me, you know, Jason's REAL mother, Brynn" I snapped.

"Why the fuck are you here? Don't you have drugs to do?" He asked.

"Samuel, I've been clean for five years and you said that if I got clean, I could see Jason, you lied to me and made me give up parental rights and gave them to your wife" I said.

"Daddy, Roxy peed in my room" I heard a quiet voice say.

"Don't just fucking stand there, Jason! Go clean it up, and don't fucking call me daddy, dumbass! You're six, not two!" Sam said, I caught a glimpse of Jason, he was covered in bruises and had two black eyes.

"Are you seriously beating our son? I knew I should have kept fighting to get rights to him" I said, shoving my way past Sam. I got into the messy house. Beer bottles and trash and dirty dishes were littered across the house. I saw little Jason and I saw four blue haired pit bulls, they all looked about four months old and beaten too.

"It's none of your damn business!" Sam growled.

"Jason, I'm your real mommy. Does your daddy hit you?" I asked. He nodded, indicating 'yes'.

"He hits the puppies too" he said.

"Oh, that's it. Ricky, call the cops" I said.

"YOU CAN'T FUCKING CALL THE COPS ON ME! I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG!" Sam screamed. He began to charge at me. Ricky grabbed him and pinned him to the wall.

"Take Jason and the puppies to the car" Ricky said.

"Jason, can you lead the puppies outside?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed a box of dog treats and pulled one out of box and started waving it around. They all perked up out of their cowering state and followed Jason outside. I followed him and opened up the door to my car and they all got into the car.

After I got Jason and cute ass puppies into my car, I pulled my pocket and dialed 9-1-1.

They picked up right away.

"911, what's your emergency?" The dispatcher asked.

"Uh... I showed up to my ex-boyfriend's house, hoping that he'd let me see my son, which I haven't been allowed to see since he was a baby, and I found out that he abuses my son and his pets, and he charged at me" I said.

"Try to keep him back. What's your location and name?" She asked.

"624 Walnut Creek road, Tacoma, Washington. " I told her.

"Okay, stay calm. We'll have the police there as soon as possible" she said before hanging up.


About five minutes later, the cops showed up.


"Our son has two fucking black eyes and is black and blue" I said.

"Does your son have anywhere to go?" The officer asked as he cuffed Sam.

"No! I'm not letting him go live with a druggy!" Sam said.

"Samuel, I have been clean for five years, you're very aware of this, I have to care for my younger siblings, I can surely take care of my son and take care of those dogs, too" I said.

"Ma'am, he'll be put away for a long time with the list of charges we will be putting against him" the officer said.

"I'm glad I decided to make the trip out here before it was too late" I said.

"Have a nice night Ms. Stevens" the officer said as they put Sam in the back of their cruiser.

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