Night Out with the Guys

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Ricky's Pov

A week later


We got Jason back a couple days ago. Brynn and I are okay now, I guess. Thanksgiving is coming up and so is our one year anniversary. I mean, we didn't start officially dating until this year, but we've been a thing since last year.

"Dude, Allie is gonna be going out tonight, so we can all hang out and get wasted tonight" Ryan said through the phone.

"I'll talk to Brynn and ask her if she'd be okay with it" I said.

"Rick, she has your balls on a tight leash" he laughed.

"I know but I love her and Jason, and I don't want to risk losing them" I replied.

"You've changed a lot in the last year, Ricky. Before you met Brynn and Jason, you despised little kids and you never wanted a family, now you're engaged and you had a daughter with her" he pointed out.

"I never said I hated little kids! I like my nephew!" I laughed.

"I know, but you said and I quote 'fuck having kids, they're too much work'" he reminded me.

"See, I nev-" I said before Brynn cut me off.

"Babe, who are you talking to?" She asked.

"Ryan, I'll call you back" I said.

"Okay, be at my place at eight" he told me before hanging up.

"Who were you talking to?" Brynn asked.

"Ryan. He invited the guys and I over to hang out while his girlfriend is out with friends" I told her.

"When are you leaving?" She asked.

"At around seven thirty-ish" I shrugged.

"Are you going to be drinking?" She asked.

"I don't know, knowing Ryan, probably" I said.

"Please don't come back drunk as fuck" she requested.

"No promises" I told her, giving her a peck on the lips.

-that night-

"Bye babe, I love you" Brynn told me, kissing me on the lips.

"Bye, I love you too" I told her before backing out of the parking space I was parked in.

Ryan's house is about six miles away, so it'll take me like fifteen minutes to get there, depending on traffic.


I got to Ryan's house and parked in the street. Ryan was sitting on his front porch with a cigarette and a beer in his hand.

"Hey man! The lady let you leave for the night?" Ryan asked as I lit up a cigarette.

"Yeah, but she said don't come home drunk" I told him.

"What was your response?" He asked, handing me a beer. I popped it open and took a sip off of it.

"I told her no promises and left" I answered.

"Why is she so protective of you?" He asked.

"Because she's terrified that I'm going to leave her and Jason" I told him.

"Do you ever wish that you were still with Jessica?" He asked.

"Honestly, no... But Jessica is a lot better in bed than Brynn is though... But Brynn has only had sex like three or four times, because the first time she had sex, she got pregnant, and we don't have a very active sex life" I said.

"Do you want more kids?" He asked.

"No, not at the moment, because I'm still kind of depressed about Brandee, I got her name tattooed on my heart" I told him.

"You really have turned into a family guy haven't you?" He asked. I shrugged and drank the rest of my beer.


I came stumbling into the apartment at around two am. I tried to be as quiet as possible; but failed miserably. I fell onto the sleeping body of my girlfriend.

She groaned.

"Ricky, do you have any idea what time it is?" She asked, sounding slightly aggravated.

"Like two in the morning?" I asked, my words slurred.

"How much did you drink?" She asked.

"A looooot" I slurred.

"Goddammit Richard! I told you not to come home drunk as fuck!" She growled.

"Take it easy baby! I need to relax too!" I told her. Probably not the best choice of words because she just slapped me. But I'm too drunk to care.

"Kinky" I joked.

"Oh my fuck Richard! You've changed, you're not the man I fell in love with anymore, you're the sweet guy who proposed to me anymore. You're an asshole now!" She snapped, raising her voice.

"Babe, calm down-" I said before getting slapped again.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down! If you don't go back to being the man I fell in love with... You can consider us done permanently because I refuse to deal with a douchebag, I want the best life for my son and if you're going to be like this, I will leave you. You're on very thin ice right now, if you try to push my buttons again, Jason and I will be gone. Now, I'm fucking going to bed asshole, sleep on the fucking couch" she growled.

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