Ricky, I Need You Now...

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Brynn's Pov

Late October


I am so fucking stressed out. Ricky just left for tour, Brandee's health in my womb is keeping me on my toes, Jason's birthday is in three days, and Halloween is coming up and I still haven't gotten costumes and I haven't been doing hair so I have no income. Somebody kill me.

"-Just make some herbal tea and it'll calm you down" my mom suggested through the phone, snapping me out of my thoughts. I said 'okay' and hung up. I guess I can try that.

I got up from the couch and went into Ricky and I's kitchen. I dug through the cabinets until I found the herbal tea. I got out a mug and filled up the mug with steaming hot water and sugar, then I stuck the teabag in and let it soak until the water in the cup was dark brown.

After I was done making the herbal tea, I went into the living room and sat in my recliner, and started to gulp down the tea.

This is helping, I feel a little relaxed and did I just pee myself?

Nope. My fucking water just broke. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I need to call my mom or Ricky even though Ricky is all the way in Alabama right now.

I shot Ricky a text saying 'hey Brandee is coming way sooner than expected'

I then dialed my mom's number. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" My mom answered.

"Hey  my water broke" I said nonchalantly.

"Don't be more frantic about it, I'll be there in a minute" she said.

"Yeah... Thanks for recommending herbal tea, it helped me relax alright, relax myself into labor" I said.

"I'm in the parking lot and I'm walking to the door, where's Jason?" She asked.

"He went to a friend's house" I told her.

"Text that friend's mom and tell her that you're going into labor and that Jason can't go home" she said before hanging up. Then I heard the door open and my mom come in.

She helped me up from my recliner, she made sure she put water in the dogs' water dish and food in their food dish. Then we walked out the door.

Fuck. I just realized that I haven't told my mom that Ricky and I are engaged.

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