Happy 6 Years to Me! (23/11/19)

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So it just came to my attention, as I was sitting here at the Pancake Parlour by myself on a horribly sunny Melbourne day, that today marks exactly 6 years that I've been on Wattpad.

Happy anniversary to me!

Wow it's gone quick.

It doesn't feel like it's been that long, does it?

I've gotten to know a lot of absolutely amazing people here and will hopefully meet even more amazing people in the future!

If you don't mind, I'd like to do a very quick recap/ramble about what I've done since being around on this site, and what more there is to come.

So this time in 2013, I would've been almost 16, the prime age for fanfic - we all know it's true, don't lie to yourself.

I remember finding out about Wattpad through my at the time, best friend, now and forever known, as ex-best friend. You know who you are if you ever for some fucking reason come back and see that I still thrive on here and enjoy every bit of it.

Sorry, still a bit of tension it seems.

It's a shame that the story I initially signed up to read, was taken down and the author deleted their account because she'd 'outgrown' fanfic.

Fair call, good on you.

It was a very good story, just so you know. The sequel never got finished before she deleted her account.
Shame. What a shame.

Now, I dunno how many of you know, but if you've stuck with me from the start or happen to have read this book from the start - I would be surprised if I hadn't mentioned it somewhere in here - I started off with writing Walking Dead fanfics.

I took them down either just before or just after I started writing bandfic and had put Outcast up in April of 2014.

I can't remember back that far!


2014, ditched the horrible TWD fics and started on bandfics.

I feel that bandfics are more...my thing, as I feel more comfortable writing them and it's more what I know.

So basically in short, bandfics for a long time to come!

I do have vague exciting things with my stories, as I keep telling you.

I reached page 100 of one of my upcoming ones so woo, how fun and awesome!

I don't plan on putting anything new out until at least the new year, with the exception of a writing help book.

Story wise though, will finish The Forsaken Dimension and then upload more stories in the new year.

That's the plan but we all know how I go when it comes to plans :)

Anyway, thought I'd just stop by and wish myself a happy 6 years and let you know there will be more to come.

Have a good one!

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