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The story begins with a tale of a young boy with a monkey tail on his backside, traveling around the world with a flying cloud, taking out criminals and saving people from disasters and terrorism. There was a story that this same child defeated an entire army by himself. No help, no assistance, nothing of the sort that someone else aided him in taking down a large terrorist group.

Then, the Invasion of New York occurred and it was a complete disaster for Earth, but it was saved by a group of heroes who called themselves the Avengers. This gave the people of Earth hope that their world would be protected by this group who were willing to risk their lives for them.

SHIELD however still have remembered the stories about the young boy with a tail that saved the world, even before Tony Stark became Iron Man. Still, there have been people saying that they've seen this kid fighting terrorists and saving human and animal lives from disasters. There has been video footage on a yellow could over New York during the Chitauri Invasion, taking out several alien soldiers which made it easier for the Avengers.

A few months have passed since the Invasion and each Avenger went to their separate ways, doing what they please. The world wonders what could happen if one of them cross paths with this Boy with a tail. Would they form an alliance or face each other? Luckily, the would soon happen.


Captain America or Steve Rogers was finished with a mission by SHIELD and was heading back to headquarters. The thing is, that mission was not all that hard, considering the fact that someone else did it for him when he first arrived. He asked some citizens what happened and they said that a small child with an orange fighting outfit, a red bo staff, and a monkey tail had taken out all of the terrorists stationed there.

Steve has heard about this kid, even when he was fighting in the Invasion a few months back. He also caught a glimpse of a yellow child flying over New York, taking out several Chitauri soldiers to ease the battle for him and the others. He also heard that the boy with a tail would travel in a yellow cloud, which increased his suspicion that this boy was real.

Though many questions was in his head: who is this boy? Why would he fight in battles no kid should be in? Why does he have a tail on his backside? How did he become very strong? So many questions were inside his mind. Though, he was happy that this kid was caring and compassionate was willing to take risks to protect people, even before the Avengers were first formed.

As he flies over the mountains of Japan, since his mission was near China, he looks over at the beautiful scenery below him. Trees, grass, ponds, rivers, waterfalls, all amazing sites to be seen. Oh and a small shack at the middle of nowhere...wait what? Steve looks back at the shack that was there in the middle of a forest.

Steve: Hey, stop the jet.

Pilot: Why, Captain?

Steve: I need to check on something. Once we land, activate the cloaking device, so no one will see the jet.

The pilot slowly lands on an open field as Rogers gets out of it. The jet went invisible as he makes his way to the shack nearby. He walks slowly, just in case if something or someone would come out and attack him. He sees the shack over the hill and goes towards it. Until...

?: HEYA!

Steve quickly moves out of the way as a red bo staff almost hit him. It crashes onto the ground, making a crater, surprising him by how strong the staff is. Then, someone flips around and lands a few feet away from him, pointing the staff at him. To Steve shock, his attacker was a young boy with spiky black hair, an orange fighting outfit, a red staff, and most striking a brown furry tail.

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