Chapter 19

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At Lagos, the Avengers are at their respective positions as Goku took to the skies to look around and sense through the city for any enemies involved.

Wanda:*glancing at the building Goku was on* How are you holding up, Goku?

Goku: *looks around* So far, so good. I haven't spotted anything weird yet.

Sam: I got nothing either.

Steve: Keep looking. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow's activities in six months. *looking out from the window of the apartment he was in* We don't want to lose him.

Thanks to his senses, Goku can see everything from below with great clarity. He can see that everyone in Lagos was doing everyday stuff.

Steve: *Spotted something* Sam. See that garbage truck? Tag it.

A small drone launched from the back of his wingsuit into the air. Redwing, as Falcon called it, flew in low through the streets before it hovered beneath the suspicious garbage truck. It took a detailed scan of the vehicle's interior and the cargo it carried.

Sam: *frowns when he read the data Redwing was sending back* That truck's loaded for max weight and the driver's armed.

Nat: ...It's a battering ram.

Steve: Go now.

Wanda: *Confused* What?

Steve: He's not hitting the police.

Falcon stepped off the ledge and opened his wings to fly towards the Institute For Infectious diseases. The driver rolled out to the streets just before the truck crashed through the front gate, demolishing the overhang when it flipped from hitting the anti-vehicle defenses set in front of the security gate.

Soon, Goku senses picked up as he sees some approaching the Institute in Yellow Trucks.

Goku: Uh, dad? We've got two more truckloads of bad guys approaching the perimeter.

Steve: Understood. See if you can take them out. We don't want any more of Rumlow's men swarming in here.

Goku: No problem.

Goku flies down and lands in front of the goons, making them surprise by his appearance. They aim their guns at him, in an attempt to intimidate him but it only made him roll his eyes and pulls out his power pole.

He disappears, getting the goons off-guard and he knocks them down with his power pole. One went for a sneak attack, but Goku sends him flying with a punch. He then flies up and sees that there were still four hostiles shooting at the Falcon in the courtyard.

One of his wings acted as a shield for Sam as he returned fire. The Scarlet Witch was standing behind him, still working on getting rid of the tear gas. Goku appears behind two of them and knocks them out with a few chops the neck.

The last two were surprised to see the young man and stopped firing momentarily, giving Falcon the chance to shoot them down while their attention was diverted.

Sam: Nice timing, kid. Almost had to hit them with a couple of heat seekers. Glad I didn't.

Goku nods as he looks around, seeing the goons on the ground. There were enemy bodies everywhere...some of them dead while most merely had the holy hell beaten out of them.

Goku: Where's dad?

Sam: He's up-

Numerous loud explosions suddenly hit the building, sending glass and debris flying everywhere. Goku and Sam looked up and saw the middle floor of the institute was completely enveloped in flames.

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