Chapter 10

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Almost a year has passed since the collapse of SHIELD and the Avengers are back together to take on the threat of HYDRA, with help from the Son of Captain America, Son Goku Rogers. Staying with the Avengers could be a really awesome moment to others, but to Goku, it's more closer than that. It's like everyone with him is family to him and he vows to protect them, even if that means he'll lay down his life for them.

However, there more things that Goku doesn't know about himself. All his life he wondered why is he so strong, why he has a tail, why his appetite is the same or greater than Thor's. All these questions ran around his head, as he later asked Tony and Bruce for help. So, they decided to get some of Goku's blood for to see any difference in his DNA. At first Goku was terrified of getting a needle, but gaining some courage, Tony and Bruce extracted enough blood for analysis.

One day, Goku didn't have enough sleep as he trained to much, so Natasha and Steve made him go to bed the night before, so he can relax. It's around 9 in the morning and Goku is still sleeping in his bed at Avengers Tower.

Steve: He really didn't get enough sleep.

Natasha: Added to the fact that he wakes up at 6 or 5 in the morning to train, he really is overworking himself.

Bruce: Hey guys.

They turned to look at him.

Bruce: We just got a complete analysis of Goku's DNA, and the results are very unexpected.

They followed to a lad where Tony is looking over a hologram of Goku's DNA.

Clint: So, what's the deal with Goku, Stark?

Stark: Well, there's a lot of stuff we found that we never really expect from a kid.

Nat: And that is?

Bruce: Watch this video when I was testing a blood sample.

They see a video of Goku's blood cell being tipped. It shrinks in a bit, until it quickly regrows.

Tony: Just by that, we can tell Goku has a healing factor, something that no person can have.

Thor: I have heard of other planets where their inhabitants have this kind of ability, but here on Earth is not one of them.

Clint: So, the kid has a healing factor. What else, Doc?

Bruce: Watch this.

The see the same blood cell being tipped, but it didn't reacted to it. And when the tip was given some force, the cell still fought back.

Bruce: Not only can Goku heal himself, his body can become even stronger when it's completely healed from his wounds.

Nat: My God. No wonder he didn't feel anything when we would spar each other.

Tony: Not only that, Romanoff. It seems the blood cell knew the tip is going to hit it again, and was prepared for it. So that could mean that when Goku gets hit by a move or weapon, they won't work a second time. Which is mind boggling.

Clint: So, we have a kid with a monkey tail that can heal himself, become stronger and be more cautious with any attack.

Bruce: That basically sums up our research.

Steve: Anything else? Even about why Goku has a tail?

Tony: We tried to find the reason, but it only led us to say he's not human. At all. Not even from Earth to be exact.

Natasha so you're saying Goku is somehow a being from another world?

Bruce: We're not sure, but facts don't lie.

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