Chapter 34

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The morning sun arrives as it shines through Asgard. Goku and Wanda are still sleeping in their room since the 'special night'. Both rested like two babies holding each other. Soon, Goku begins to slowly open his eyes as he let out a small yawn. He stretches his arm up and sits up, as he rubs his eyes. He then sees how he's completely naked and gets confused.

He turns to Wanda and sees that she's naked, too, while blushing at her beautiful body. He then remembers why they did last night, which he still doesn't know what they did, but he still enjoyed it.

He turns to the window and sees the beautiful day out there as he smiles. Soon, he hears Wanda yawning and turns to her getting up and rubbing her eyes.

Wanda: Good morning, honey. Did you sleep well?

Goku: Yeah. I did. How about you?

Wanda: Well, I still feel a bit sore from last night, but otherwise, slept well.

Goku: Oh. Sorry about that. It's just that...somehow my emotions just went up the rector scale and I went nuts.

Wanda: *in her mind* So, it was his instincts. *to Goku* Still, I very much enjoyed making love with you.

Goku: Oh. So that's what it's called? I thought it's some weird secret training.

Wanda chuckles as she shook her head. Goku is sooooo naive and carefree, though she still loves him.

Wanda: Let's get dressed up, so we can have breakfast?

Goku: Sure. I'm getting very-

A loud growl was heard and it caused Goku to blush a bit in embarrassment. Wanda laughs as they got up and put on some clothes. They later went out of the room as Fenris was waiting for them.

Goku: Morning, Fenris. *pets her*

Fenris whines with happiness as the three walks down to see if breakfast was set.


Goku is seen training with his power pole as he does his usual swings and strikes. Soon, he later goes into hitting strikes in the air and to the sky. After all that training, he later sits down and meditates his powers. He still remembers that form he turned into against Hela and tries to see if he could transform back.

Soon, he starts focusing on his energy and emotions. The near-death of Wanda was still fresh on his mind as his face went from calm to enrage. Soon, his aura comes out and it turns from white to yellow as his hair switches from black to blonde.


Soon, he burst out his Ki as the field around him was blown away by the wind he created. After that, he lowers himself down and lets out a deep sigh.

Goku: Phew. That really took some energy out of me. Though, I still barely managed to go into that form again. *stands up* Well, I guess I can keep working that out until I get the hang of it. Better go back to Wanda and the others.

He turns around and goes to walk away until he felt something in his head. It was starting to hurt as he held it and grimaces in pain. Suddenly, a vision came to mind.

*Goku's Vision*

In a POV shot, we see a woman standing in front of something that was looking at her. The wailing and little arms and legs indicate it was a baby. The woman looks at him worried as she tries her best to calm it down. She puts some stuff inside what looked like a space pod of sorts near the baby as a door slowly closes, while the baby continues to cry some more.

*Vision ends*

Goku's eyes open as he took a deep breath. The headache was gone, but the vision was now stuck in his head. Who was that woman in his vision? What was going on? Why would he have a vision like that?

Goku shakes his head as he got back up and walks away, though his mind still not comprehending what he saw.


Goku walks back inside as everyone was chatting with each other. Wanda saw him and immediately suspects something was wrong about him, so she went up to him.

Wanda: Goku. Are you alright?

Goku: Y-yeah. I-I'm fine.

Wanda didn't agree as she held his cheek and feels him shaking. She gives him a look as he sighs.

Goku: Can we talk privately?

Wanda, not sure why he said that, nods as they walk away from the others to an empty room.

Wanda: Okay. Tell me what's wrong?

Goku: Well, should I say this? So, I went outside with some training. I then decided to try and go to that 'Super Saiyan' thing I turned when I faced Hela.

Wanda: Mmhmm. Did you hurt yourself?

Goku: N-no. It wasn't serious. I barely managed to transform, though. So I plan on coming back here, and then all of a sudden, I had a massive headache?

Wanda: *surprised* A headache?

Goku: Yeah. It was painful, obviously. But then, as I closed my eyes, I then saw something weird.

Wanda: Like what?

Goku: Well, I saw a woman that was standing in front of me as I later suspected to be a crying baby as she was comforting me. Soon, the doors were closing above us as she looks through the circular window, and ended.

Wanda was at a loss for words. This...this is something she never expected to hear. Never had she heard Goku telling her he had a vision before and this was mind-boggling.

Wanda: And it was all in your head?

Goku: Yeah...but it felt was real. Like, I had goosebumps when I saw that.

Wanda sits down on a chair as she thinks through on Goku's vision. It was so confusing and strange. And this is not coming from her but by Goku himself.

Could the attempt on turning into a Super Saiyan brought back some memories of Goku's past? Could this be before he was sent away? Could the woman in the vision be of some importance?

Goku sits down next to her as they stayed silent for a while. Soon, Wanda broke her silence.

Wanda: Goku...I think that wasn't just a vision. *holds his hand* It must've been a memory.

Goku looks at her in surprise. A memory? No. It can't be.

Goku: I'm not sure, may be right. Yet, if it was a memory, then the woman is there could be-

Wanda: Your mother?

Goku looks down in silence as Wanda looks at him worried. She then grabs his head and lays him down on their lap.

Goku: She was...she was...

Wanda: What was she, dear?

Goku: She looked so...worried. She looks so worried about me. Her eyes were full of concern and sadness. She wasn't the bloodthirsty monsters described by Loki and Hela.

Wanda: Really?

Goku: Yeah.

Goku couldn't comprehend what was going on in his vision. The woman, probably his mother, putting him in a pod as she looks on in worry as his baby self cries out.

Wanda: I guess we have some answers about your past.

Goku: Yeah. Though, it won't be pretty by the time I get to through with it.

Wanda: *gentle smile* I guess time will tell. *lowers down and kisses him in the forehead*

Goku smiles at her. Though in his mind, he still thinks about that vision he just had.

A/N: This is a bit short but I hope you enjoy it. The vision part was inspired by a certain animated movie from DreamWorks.

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