Chapter 28

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Over a long while, Goku and Heimdall went around the once beautiful city of Asgard, searching for any survivors to bring to safety and getting their wounds healed. Goku and Wanda are in charge of the healing with their energy or Goku's 'magical green beans' they called them.

Goku couldn't help but feel his heart wrench at the site of Asgard. The city he came to visit with Wanda has now become a wasteland. He could go and confront Hela but the innocents and mare his main priority. He could see some of the families of the dead weep for the lost of their loved ones.

That alone made Goku's heart break. It was starting to feel how many people suffered through the likes of HYDRA, Red Ribbon, and other forces of evil. He just wish he could do more for them.

He and Wanda also help around giving food to the ones that survived and their families. Goku ate very little so he can give them the food they need to eat. He also learned how to cook the best he can as Wanda would help him in some way.

Goku: That beef and potato stew was really good, Wanda. You should make it again sometime when we get back to Earth.

Wanda smiles and snuggles next to Goku.

Wanda: I will. First we have to get through this first's only a matter of time before Hela find out where we are.

Goku wraps his tail around her waist in a comforting grip.

Goku: If that happens, I'll have to fight her off so the Asgardians can get away.

Wanda: Are you sure you can bear here?

Goku sighs as he kisses her head.

Goku: Not really. But sometimes, we have to break our limits for the better.


Goku woke up a few hours later, feeling fully rested. Everyone else was still asleep though. The only ones that were awake were the guards who had night watch duty. Goku pecked a gentle kiss on Wanda's face before he carefully got up from the bed. He only wore his top shirt and his pants as it wasn't cold at all.

Most of the bonfires had already been put out but there were still a few torches burning along the walls that gave enough light for him to see. Goku spotted Heimdall sitting by one of the few bonfires still burning, staring into the flames. He made sure not to bump into anyone by accident as he walked over to him.

Heimdall: You're up early, Goku.

Goku: Yeah. I'm an Early bird. How about you? You get any sleep?

Heimdall: Enough. I've always been an early riser. One doesn't require much rest when you're tasked with keeping a vigilant watch over all of Asgard.

Goku: True. Anything on Thor?

Heimdall: None...but he is alive.

Goku sighs in relief as he was glad Thor is still alive.

Goku: And where is he?

Heimdall: This universe is vast so it took me some time to locate him. He's currently stuck on a faraway planet with an old friend of yours and his.

Goku: Old friend?

Heimdall: I believe you call him the Hulk.

Goku couldn't believe it. Not only did he find out Thor is still alive, but Hulk is okay as well. He can't wait to see him again and take him back to Earth. Natasha really missed him.

Goku: Nice...Bruce is alright. You think Thor will be able to find a way back here?

Heimdall: *nods* I do. Rest assured he is doing everything in his power to return to Asgard. Until then though, we must hold out as best as we can against Hela and her forces.

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