Chapter 7

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Fury's body was taken to the hospital as Goku watch with worry. While he doesn't know much about Nick, that doesn't mean he's not concerned for him. He held the drive with him, remembering what Nick said to him, 'Don't trust anybody'.

He lays down on his bed, as he later found out his dad had chases the shooter through two buildings and he disappears without a trace. Steve later went to the hospital to check on Fury. He can sense his and Natasha's energy signatures as well as another person near them as Fury was close, but his life force is really low.

Then, he felt nothing from Fury, meaning the only conclusion. Nick Fury died at the hospital. Goku was sad that he died, as he thinks this might be a huge effect on Natasha and those around him. 1 hour later, Steve arrived home, a bit upset that Nick died.

He goes to the bedroom and sees Goku looking at him from his bed.

Goku: He's gone, isn't he?

Steve was surprised tha Goku knew Fury was dead and asked.

Steve: How did you know?

Goku: I can sense energy presence from whoever I met and made contact to. I also sensed Natasha was at the hospital with you and Fury.

Steve: That's incredibly strange, but interesting at the same time.

Goku: Yeah. Hey dad, I got something Fury gave me before he passed out.

He pulls out the Drive as Steve goes up to him.

Steve: What's in this drive?

Goku: I don't know, but Fury told me to 'Not Trust Anyone' while he gave it to me. I don't know what this is for, but from what he said, it has to be important.

Steve can tell Goku obviously doesn't know a drive, but he can see that it has to be important. He grabs the drive and pats Goku in the head.

Steve: I think it's time for you to sleep, Goku. I'm going to the Triskelion to talk to Director Pierce about Fury's death.

Goku: Okay. Goodnight, dad. Love you.

Steve: Love you back.

*the next day*

Steve left to go to the hospital and see what was going on while Goku stayed and meditates his powers. Even though it felt boring for him, it was still useful as he can feel his power within him. A pure white aura starts to flow around him, As he was surprised by his power.

After a while, he decides to stop and his aura fades away.

Goku: How did I get all this power? It's like someone gave it to me and I've since mastered only a portion of it. Could I be stronger than I've thought I'd be?

But before he could think some more, he hears some vehicles nearby. He goes to the window that wasn't broken the night before and sees 4 black SUV's parked at the parking lot. Confused, he first thought they were some generic police, but that was wiped away when he sees big guns in one of the officers that was standing outside.

Concern, he went to the house phone and calls his dad's phone. He memorized it several times before as he waits for him to call back. Then, he father answers.

Steve: Hello?

Goku: Dad, something weird is going on.

Steve: What are you talking about, Goku?

Goku: There are 4 black cars parked outside near the apartment and I saw someone with a big gun with him.

Steve: What? That doesn't make any sense. Go check on what's going-

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