Chapter 20

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The Avengers came back after the successful mission at Lagos with no one lost their lives during the mission, much to everyone's relief. A month went by after the mission in Lagos, as Wanda, Goku, and Pietro watch the news on TV.

Reporter: A tragedy was averted last week in Lagos when the Son of Captain America, Goku Rogers, risked his own life to ensure a bomb strapped vest detonated at a safe distance. It is estimated the blast would've killed at least twenty five people within two floors had it not been for the Young hero's intervention. Most of the people that would've been affected are citizens of Wakanda, who were sent to Lagos on a peaceful outreach program. The Wakandan King was very grateful and praised the heroic efforts of Goku Rogers.

The scene shifted to that of a wise looking aged man standing behind a UN podium.

King: On behalf of Wakanda, I humbly give thanks to Goku Rogers for once again putting himself at risk to save so many innocent lives. Victory at the expense of the innocent is no victory at all and I am glad to see the Avengers were mindful of this fact. Our people's thoughts and prayers are with Goku, whom we give our out must appreciation and gratitude. May the great Bast grant him a bright future...Wakanda is forever in his debt.

The twins and Goku smiled at that. They felt graceful that they appreciated Goku's heroic actions.

Pietro: *ruffs Goku's hair* Can you believe that, kiddo? A king was praising you.

Goku: I just don't know what to feel about it.

Wanda: And what does he mean by again?

Goku: Oh. I actually been in Wakanda before. That how I learned to speak Xhosa.

Pietro: Really? That's cool.

Goku: And one time, there was an invasion in the city, but I was there to help and saved them. Thus, I became an ally to not only their people, but to the royal family as well.

Wanda: *shocked* Even the Royal Family?

Goku: Yep. Including the Dora Milaje. At first, they were a bit hostile towards me, but after I assisted, we became allies. I was also trained by them, mostly from their general, Okoye.

Pietro: That's crazy. And the others know that?

Goku: Only the part of me understanding and knowing the Xhosa language.

Then, the screen quickly returned to the news studio, where the hosts began to discuss the topic of the Avengers themselves.

Reporter: There's been an ongoing debate for months now about whether or not the Avengers should operate as a private organization. While they have saved the world many times, there are those who believe they're little more than vigilantes who hold no regards for the law. The damage left behind from their previous battles has yet to fully be fixed even after these years...and the lives lost in the aftermath has been blamed on their actions by some.

This made Pietro, Wanda, and Goku stunned.

Pietro: They can't be serious...are these people so stupid that they can't tell we are fighting to keep them safe?

Goku: I'm feeling the same way.

Goku and Wanda didn't know how to answer that but they were asking the same question in their minds. The Avengers worked to fight off the supervillains that the police and military couldn't. Collateral damage was always inevitable and they couldn't save everyone...not matter how hard they fought to prevent that.

Reporter: I think the Avengers should be kept in check. *look of disdain* They have no legal authority to operate in foreign nations and yet they completely disregard international borders to chase down criminals. They and other enhanced individuals like them are dangerous to the general public.

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